Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Zap Headaches Perfectly Posh Wakey Wakey Stick

Perfectly Posh products are free of parabens, parafins, sulfates and petroleum. Rub this Wakey Wakey stick on your forehead, neck, chest when you feel a headache/migraine coming on. It works!
This is what I used the other day ..
Check out my video on it
#perfectly posh #wakey wakey #holly capron #headaches

Stephainies Journey with Skinny Fiber

Hey everyone, here's Stephanie! Good job!
Please share!!
Order today right here:
"I started Skinny Fiber on June 29th 2013. I thought I had reached the end of my rope as far as weight loss. All my life I have been a yo-yo dieter going up and down and each time I went up heavier and heavier. I tried every diet pill and diet plan out there and nothing seeme...d to work. Then one day I was introduced to the Skinny Fiber. I was skeptical at first but then I thought what the heck - what did I have to lose. I was amazed at the results that I began to have. I have more energy than I ever thought I could have. I have gone from 205 lbs. down to 174 lbs. during my 90 day challenge. I am so excited. Only 29 lbs. to go. I pulled a pair of size 12 jeans out of the closet and I can actually wear them with no problem. I thought WOW!! I started out wearing size 24 and now I am into a size 12.
Since I have lost the weight my blood pressure is normal. My sugar and A1C’s are normal. I feel great and I sleep so much better. I am able to breathe without pain. My Fibromyalgia is much better, the pain level is a way down. I have been able to go off most of my meds. I can’t wait to go back to the doctor and let them see my results. I thank God for Skinny Fiber it truly works and I recommend it to everyone."
Come on and take the Challenge - Get yours today - You will be glad you did.
#skinnyfiber #weightloss #hollycapron #90daychallenge #fibromyalgia