Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Stephainies Journey with Skinny Fiber

Hey everyone, here's Stephanie! Good job!
Please share!!
Order today right here:
"I started Skinny Fiber on June 29th 2013. I thought I had reached the end of my rope as far as weight loss. All my life I have been a yo-yo dieter going up and down and each time I went up heavier and heavier. I tried every diet pill and diet plan out there and nothing seeme...d to work. Then one day I was introduced to the Skinny Fiber. I was skeptical at first but then I thought what the heck - what did I have to lose. I was amazed at the results that I began to have. I have more energy than I ever thought I could have. I have gone from 205 lbs. down to 174 lbs. during my 90 day challenge. I am so excited. Only 29 lbs. to go. I pulled a pair of size 12 jeans out of the closet and I can actually wear them with no problem. I thought WOW!! I started out wearing size 24 and now I am into a size 12.
Since I have lost the weight my blood pressure is normal. My sugar and A1C’s are normal. I feel great and I sleep so much better. I am able to breathe without pain. My Fibromyalgia is much better, the pain level is a way down. I have been able to go off most of my meds. I can’t wait to go back to the doctor and let them see my results. I thank God for Skinny Fiber it truly works and I recommend it to everyone."
Come on and take the Challenge - Get yours today - You will be glad you did.
#skinnyfiber #weightloss #hollycapron #90daychallenge #fibromyalgia

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