Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Dull, aging skin getting you down? Let Cackle Spackle lift your spirits

STOP searching RIGHT NOW... Oh my gracious there are so many charcoal masks popping up all over the place these days.... Well let me tell you Perfectly Posh IS THE ONE... I have been with Posh for right at 2 years... our Charcoal Masks are the thing that hooked me... I am a total believer... and this girl has so many chemical allergies and is so particular about what I use... ONLY PERFECTLY POSH on my skin for 2 years now.. and my skin has never been better.... check out another satisfied user sporting her Cackle Spackle Mask.... Get YOURS... Earn Free Perks... All under $25
Buy 5 get 1 Free... Made In The USA... what more could you want...
Go HERE get your Perks and Shop away
Dull, aging skin getting you down? Let Cackle Spackle lift your spirits! Charcoal powder, volcanic ash, kaolin clay, and invigorating spearmint will leave your skin so freshly detoxed it might have you cackling with glee. Our deep-cleaning, facial mask uses kaolin, charcoal, and volcanic ash to clarify skin, then tones it with astringent spearmint and eucalyptus. Apply to a clean, dry face, avoiding eye area. Leave on for 5–10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and moisturize often.

If you don’t receive updated packaging in your order; don’t worry. We are simply selling through our stock of previous versions before we start sending out new packaging.
Spearmint essential oil
#charcoalmask #perfectlyposh #ohmyposhholly #cacklespackle #volcanicash #kaolinclay #detox #onlinemarketing #workfromhome #WAHM

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