Thursday, February 18, 2016

Honey Honey Healer Stick

Ohhhhh YES it's Splurge Day at Perfectly Posh... and If You think you want it.. I can Promise you .. You better act fast... Splurge sells out FAST....
PERSONALLY ... Yep I am A D D I C T E D to our Skin Sticks... They are packed with Esstential Oils and So HELPFUL and Easy to carrry
If you’re a busy bee, you need sweet skin care on the go. Our exclusive Honey Honey! Skin Stick lets you bring all the benefits of honey, beeswax, shea butter, and vitamin E wherever life takes you. Smooth stick over impaired skin for sweet healing.
#honey, #healer, #stick, #perfectlyposh, #vitaminE, #sheabutter, #beeswax, #hollycapron

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Anns Journey with Keto//os From Pruvit

Ann just joined us on this Keto journey just a few weeks ago. Her kind of story is the reason why I share this with EVERYBODY! Thank you Ann, for letting me share your story with my world!
"I was diagnosed with stage 3 Triple Positive breast cancer on 8/4/14. A type of cancer that 6 years ago, only had a 15% survival rate. With two new types of chemotherapy drugs, it now has a 75 - 80% survival rate. It required 6 months of chemotherapy, a year of Herceptin infusions, a double mastectomy, radiation and reconstructive surgery, that was just completed the first of November.
I began using Keto//OS about 3 weeks ago and It has really helped me with my radiation fatigue, chemo brain and allowed me to have the energy to go back to working out again. Side effect: I lost the weight that I had gained on long term prednisone use. Yay!!
I'm writing a book about my cancer journey and I'm planning on including this information about Keto//OS in my book, as a survivorship recommendation."
Ann L.
Scottsdale, Arizona
#keto, #ketoos, #pruvit

Dull aging skin getting you down... Let Perfectly Posh Cackle Spackle Help You

Dull, aging skin getting you down? Let Cackle Spackle lift your spirits! Charcoal powder, volcanic ash, kaolin clay, and invigorating spearmint will leave your skin so freshly detoxed it might have you cackling with glee. Our deep-cleaning, facial mask uses kaolin, charcoal, and volcanic ash to clarify skin, then tones it with astringent spearmint and eucalyptus. Apply to a clean, dry face, avoiding eye area. Leave on for 5–10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and moisturize often. Fragrance: Spearmint essential oil
LOVE LOVE LOVE this one... we had it for a bit at Halloween time.. it was so Popular they made it for our regular line. GET YOURS HERE
#agingskin, #dullskin, #cacklespackle, #charcoal, #volcanicash, #kaolinclay, #spearmint, #esstentialoil, #perfectlyposh, #hollycapron