Thursday, February 18, 2016

Honey Honey Healer Stick

Ohhhhh YES it's Splurge Day at Perfectly Posh... and If You think you want it.. I can Promise you .. You better act fast... Splurge sells out FAST....
PERSONALLY ... Yep I am A D D I C T E D to our Skin Sticks... They are packed with Esstential Oils and So HELPFUL and Easy to carrry
If you’re a busy bee, you need sweet skin care on the go. Our exclusive Honey Honey! Skin Stick lets you bring all the benefits of honey, beeswax, shea butter, and vitamin E wherever life takes you. Smooth stick over impaired skin for sweet healing.
#honey, #healer, #stick, #perfectlyposh, #vitaminE, #sheabutter, #beeswax, #hollycapron

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