Saturday, October 3, 2015

My personal Journey with Keto//os by Pruvit Holly Capron

Ok I have done a couple of videos while on my Keto//os Journey but I hadn't done a before and during pic.... I had to look HIGH and LOW to find one that showed more than just my shoulders up... I was not to quick to let those be taken... anyway the before pic was taken just a few months back at my big 50 Birthday and the during I took this morning( 38 days on Keto)... I LOVE how I am feeling... the scale is moving but the inches are dropping too... I am focused.. my mood is MUCH better and wait for it....... I JOINED a Fitness Center... LOVE it... and guess what I haven't even been sore... could it be the Keto//os has helped keep inflammation in line... I sure think so.. I am Grateful for it... I been eating lower carb.. I do have my days when I eat whatever.. but I can sure tell you they are few and far between... my cravings are GONE.. and really I am never hungry.
Want some???? We have many packages... Go here or if you need help .. message me I would be glad to help you place your order
Pruvit To You

#inflammation, #weightloss, #ketoos, #pruvit, #focused, #exercise, #keto 

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