Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Help For Cystic Acne

Ohhhh Help! Cystic Acne.... Do any of you fight it...
I have Help with Perfectly Posh Products!!!!
Read what Candy Has to say :
"2 years ago when I first started I did Complexion perfection, Stripper 2-3 times a week for the first 3 weeks, and Moisturize 911.
Now I do pore-fect or bff, stripper once a week, and Night & day."
#cysticacne #complexion #skincare #stripper #moisturize911 #pore-fect #bff #hollycapron #posh
Let ME help You!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Perfectly Posh

Well you know How I told you if I find a company with products I think we will enjoy and that will help us... that I will darn sure be posting about it...
I have Looked and Looked for something in the line of skin care and soaps that is safe... no sulfates, parabens. lanolin or phthalates... cause with my auto immune disease I have to be so careful in what I use... I have FOUND it.. So I am SUPER PROUD to announce I will be sharing it with ya'll ... Perfectly Posh
I can't wait to help You .. and I know my FAVORITE product will be Gender Bender it's a detox soap.. but the more I look thru.. the more I want hehehehe when I first saw this company I thought oh cute stuff ... great products.. but I just glanced... I didn't read.. I thought it was just flu flu stuff... WRONG... soooo many products that will HELP US... OHHH and did I mention EVERYTHING is $24 and under
Check it out https://www.perfectlyposh.com/hollycapron
Also feel free to message me
Oh here is a link to what several of the products will help with

#skincare #autoimmune #detox #lotion #soap #hollycapron

Friday, May 15, 2015

Don't Let The Fear Of What Others Think Keep You From Your Miracle

Are you one of those that live your life to please others??? I mean I know most of us want to make everyone HaPpY... but some worry to much about what others will think or say.... I know we are to treat others as we would like to be treated but is it necessary to live our life according to what they "think" we should be saying,,, doing... or acting???
My thoughts....( cause ya know you are gonna get them hehehehe) There is not one person that will be holding my hand when I stand before the Lord waiting to hear... those words "well done my child"....
I am grateful for the people and experiences God has put in my life...some have been wonderful and some VERY tragic .... from each I have learned a lesson....
Live YOUR life in accordance with our Lord... it is YOUR path... Not to be judged by any person on this earth.... Holly Capron
#think #life #Lord #fear #miracle

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Carrot Cake Cheesecake

Do You like Cheesecake... Do you Like Carrot Cake
Well Here you Go...
      Carrot Cake CheeseCake
It has a few steps but OHHHHHH so worth it!

For the Cheesecake:
2 pkges of Philly Cream Cheese (room temp)
2/4 cup of Sugar
1 tablespoon flour
3 eggs
1 tsp vanilla

For the Carrot Cake:
3/4 cup canola oil
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1tsp vanilla
1 cup flour
1 tsp cinnamon
dash of salt
1 16oz can crushed pineapple... BE SURE you drain it VERY well and even press it in some cheescloth or paper towel to remove moisture... *Important or your center will be gooey... SAVE some of the juice for the frosting!
1 cup of grated carrots... be sure you remove ALL the moisture here too
1/2 cup of coconut flakes
1/2 cup of chopped walnuts

4 ounces of Philly cream cheese (room temp)
1 tablespoon of butter (room temp)
1 3/4 cups powdered sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tablespoon of pineapple juice
dash of salt

What you do:
Set your oven to 350 and grease your springform cheesecake pan
In a large bowl mix cream cheese and butter, add flour, eggs and vanilla .. beat till smooth... set aside
In another large bowl combine oil, sugar, eggs and vanilla... then stir in flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt.. mix well... stir in pineapples, carrots, coconut and walnuts.
Grab you pan and spread the bottom with 1 1/2 cups of cake batter
Then drop by large spoon fulls about 1/2 of the cheesecake batter
Then drop large spoon fulls of cake batter
Then finish off with large spoons of cheesecake batter... spread it evenly but do not mix it
Bake for 60 min or until cake is set
Cool at room temp.. then place in refrig for several hours
Remove and run a knife around the edge to release from pan... remove spring
Frost your cake
Put it back in refrig for a couple of hours
WHEW.... ENJOY......
Be sure to Follow me each day I always have something exciting going on
#carrotcake #cheesecake #creamcheese #pineapple #walnuts #coconut #hollycapron #thissideofthefence

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

If you have to hide then you KNOW its Wrong

"You can either accept the shame and go around feeling wrong on the inside, or you can rise up and say, “Shame off of me. God’s mercy is bigger than my mistake.” Joel Osteen
It's much easier and healthier to live with the Truth than lie to people to make yourself look better... or to prolong the inevitable ... people see through lies... and when a person isn't honest it not only hurts others but it hurts themselves...
Be Happier Have the respect for yourself and others... Walk in the Light .. The Truth will set you free
Holly Capron
#respect #mercy #riseup #lie #truth #thissideofthefence #hollycapron

Friday, May 8, 2015

Happiness Don't Wait

"You can control what kind of day you’re going to have. It’s not your circumstances keeping you unhappy it’s how you respond to them." Joel Osteen
You HAVE to choose happiness... you can't wait for another person to make you happy...now not to say you can't be happier with some people than around others.. but it comes from within.. and just because someone drives a new vehicle and lives in a big ol house that doesn't make them automatically happy...some of the wealthiest people are the most miserable and lonely even when they are surrounded by family and friends..... Believe in yourself.. Be confident... and don't have the mentality of I will be happy WHEN .... Life is not about WHEN.. it's about Right Now.. This Moment... as This Moment is YOUR LIFE... Make it Happy
Be sure and check my Page everyday I always have something extremely FUN Holly Capron
#friday #summer #happiness #hollycapron

Monday, May 4, 2015

Let It Go

I KNOW any of you that have kids or grandkids have heard this song MANY times... BUT have you REALLY stopped and listened to the meaning of the song....VERY powerful.... This version has the words also.... https://youtu.be/L0MK7qz13bU
"There comes a time in life when you must make the difficult decision to let certain things go: a negative attitude that you know no longer serves you; a relationship where you are dying together, rather than growing together; an addiction that you know is destroying you and does not represent your highest good.
It takes courage to face the truth about who you are, the choices that you have been making in your life and to decide; that is just not me anymore. I can not do this anymore. I have had it.
It takes a level of self love, of dedication and determination to live your greatest life. So, look within. Look at every area of your life and ask yourself these questions: Am I on course? Am I growing mentally, emotionally and spiritually? Is there anything that is blocking that, anything that is preventing you from living your greatest life? Make the tough decision to let it go. Life is about surrendering and releasing. Surrendering to the higher calling of your life and releasing all of the things, habits and behaviors that no longer serve you. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!" Les Brown
#truth #letitgo #addiction #attitude #relationship #hollycapron

Friday, May 1, 2015

Worrying is like Praying for what you don't want

Focus on solutions ~ not problems! What you focus on the longest becomes the strongest. The best way to deal with the challenges you are facing is to look for solutions. Spend your time being creative, resourceful and get some help. Worry is faith turned inside out...assuming the negative. It wastes your energy and does not solve anything. It paralyzes you, stifles your growth and robs you of your creativity.
Use your imagination to come up with a variety of approaches to move your life forward. Challenge yourself to think beyond that which is commonly accepted. Hold the vision of what you want. Be clear about this and move forward with the feeling and expectation that things are going to work out just fine. You have GREATNESS within you!! Les Brown
It's a Great way to make yourself sick, depressed and waste precious time that you can NEVER regain... Worry Ends where Faith and God Begins <3 Holly Capron

#faith #praying #worry #life #solution #problem