Friday, May 15, 2015

Don't Let The Fear Of What Others Think Keep You From Your Miracle

Are you one of those that live your life to please others??? I mean I know most of us want to make everyone HaPpY... but some worry to much about what others will think or say.... I know we are to treat others as we would like to be treated but is it necessary to live our life according to what they "think" we should be saying,,, doing... or acting???
My thoughts....( cause ya know you are gonna get them hehehehe) There is not one person that will be holding my hand when I stand before the Lord waiting to hear... those words "well done my child"....
I am grateful for the people and experiences God has put in my life...some have been wonderful and some VERY tragic .... from each I have learned a lesson....
Live YOUR life in accordance with our Lord... it is YOUR path... Not to be judged by any person on this earth.... Holly Capron
#think #life #Lord #fear #miracle

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