Friday, May 8, 2015

Happiness Don't Wait

"You can control what kind of day you’re going to have. It’s not your circumstances keeping you unhappy it’s how you respond to them." Joel Osteen
You HAVE to choose happiness... you can't wait for another person to make you not to say you can't be happier with some people than around others.. but it comes from within.. and just because someone drives a new vehicle and lives in a big ol house that doesn't make them automatically happy...some of the wealthiest people are the most miserable and lonely even when they are surrounded by family and friends..... Believe in yourself.. Be confident... and don't have the mentality of I will be happy WHEN .... Life is not about WHEN.. it's about Right Now.. This Moment... as This Moment is YOUR LIFE... Make it Happy
Be sure and check my Page everyday I always have something extremely FUN Holly Capron
#friday #summer #happiness #hollycapron

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