Friday, May 1, 2015

Worrying is like Praying for what you don't want

Focus on solutions ~ not problems! What you focus on the longest becomes the strongest. The best way to deal with the challenges you are facing is to look for solutions. Spend your time being creative, resourceful and get some help. Worry is faith turned inside out...assuming the negative. It wastes your energy and does not solve anything. It paralyzes you, stifles your growth and robs you of your creativity.
Use your imagination to come up with a variety of approaches to move your life forward. Challenge yourself to think beyond that which is commonly accepted. Hold the vision of what you want. Be clear about this and move forward with the feeling and expectation that things are going to work out just fine. You have GREATNESS within you!! Les Brown
It's a Great way to make yourself sick, depressed and waste precious time that you can NEVER regain... Worry Ends where Faith and God Begins <3 Holly Capron

#faith #praying #worry #life #solution #problem

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