Saturday, September 24, 2016

I Love showering after my husband Because.........

Your hands work so hard for you! Why don’t you pamper them?!
Let me tell you our Soap Chunks are so BIG... they last a long time and made with natural ingredients.. very moisturizing... My Personal fave right now in the chunks... well if you could see my shower we have everyone in there cause Hubby Loves them too especially HUNK CHUNK and ROLLING IN THE DEEP and DIVE IN... Mine would be GENDER BENDER and then BLESS YOUR HEART... but nothing smells better than getting in the shower after hubs using HUNK CHUNK ;)
Our Scrubs are the best... I never really liked scrubs until I started with Posh ones and I use them ALOT now my fave THE DARK... and Especially our Snarky Bars Oh wow... and help to get that exceptionally close shave... My fave this catalog in Snarkys is SORRY NOT SORRY
Ok Hand creams.. another product I never used until Posh... mainly because I didn't like that greasy feeling after applying... and it always seemed like I needed more.. NOT the case with our Big Fat Yummy Hand Creams... Ohhh how do I pick a Fave out of this catalog.... Probably have to go with ALL FALL DOWN... HAPPY DANCE and OH SNAP
You can't Go Wrong with any of them.. those just my personal faves
Get Yours today

#BFYHC #perfectlyposh #Chunk #soap #hunk #gender #hands #scrub #ohmyposhholly #sorry #husband #shower #heart #deep

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