Sunday, February 15, 2015

Excitement about PhytAlive and ImmuniPro

I wanna share something with you.... My WHY... Why do I shout from the mountain tops about PhytAlive and ImmuniPro... Why do you see me posting story after story about what it has done for my friends...
TO SHARE with others What I have found...and to help others get healthy through our outstanding products.... I have heard it said Oh well yours is like such and such or yours costs more than the XYZ...let me tell you in my years of struggles with health issues 9 times out of 10 I have already tried XYZ cause I have struggled and searched for years to find the quality that I have found in PhytAlive and ImmuniPro... Backed by 1/2 Billion dollars in proven research and clinical studies.. I am gonna say this... our company doesn't spend un-needed dollars on hype and marketing... LifeSpan Global puts its money into QUALITY products... we even have Certificate of Analysis for every batch (means what it says on the label... is in the bottle)... That is HUGE .... They are made in an FDA grade facility in the U.S.A...and ours Is NOT like such and such... we have been around for many years... Proven results... lol they are "trying" to be like ours!!
Why does LifeSpan share such amazing products through a Network Marketing company... Because our owners understand networking have been in it for MANY years.. and understand that if You get the products in the hands of someone and they take it and see how amazing it is.. they are gonna SHARE and shout out to others...and build a distribution network... much better than it sitting on a shelf in a store with hundreds of other items.. and the clerk working more than likely is just there for the paycheck and there heart is truly not in helping others as mine I make money... YES... but that is not my why... I am Blessed to earn a living doing what I LOVE....Helping Others..

To me this is really exciting.. it allows me time freedom... I get to be home and fix lunch for the guys here on the farm grandkids whenever ... go to activities whenever ... and LOL I wake when I am ready... I have no schedule.. Now that doesn't mean I lay around and don't do stuff everyday helping people is my passion.... I am on the phone, messaging on here... posting excitement...and all I am doing is sharing... I am not a "salesman"... I just simply care about ya'll and share in hopes you will put your trust in me and message me and tell me your story.. let me share mine and help you get healthy...
If our products sound like something you would be interested in.. message me or here is my phone 1-913-608-9712
Holly Capron
This Side Of The Fence

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