Saturday, February 7, 2015

What is Your Health Worth

Its all over the news this week... the talk about supplements not having in them what they say they have in them... I know you have seen me say it time and time again... I am hope this makes you understand the Importance of when I say our products have a certification of analysis on each batch.. AFTER it is all blended together That is HUGE... yes our products may cost a bit more than some....but I ask YOU... what is YOUR Health Worth.....To me it's very IMPORTANT to know what I am putting in my body...and my families body.... I know $3.66 a day is SO worth it to me to have Pure.. NonGMO... Absorbable Liquid Nutrition... and by giving our bodies the daily requirements we are seeing many health ailments disappear...
Lets get you started on your journey... cause I can tell ya.. if it's gonna be... these days it's up to YOU
Message me.. Holly Capron or on here This Side Of The Fence
Or go here

#safesupplements #liquidnutrition #phytAlive #immuniPro #hollycapron #lifespanglobal #certification #nonGmo 

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