Friday, February 6, 2015

Tips For Kicking Sugar Cravings

WOW! I have just recently learned some very disturbing news about our sugar addictions! :(.... It's stuff that I have always known, but GREATLY discounted!!!!
Most if not all of you probably DO already know this; HOWEVER, I'm sharing to help spread the word or make the point as real for you as it has recently been made for me!
The whole good bacteria vs. bad bacteria in our gut issue.... We have been hearing a lot about it recently with the yogurt commercials. However, I'm not sure we have a strong enough grip on it!
The bad bacteria in our gut feeds on sugar & empty carbs! These are in every processed food made, in one hidden form or another! So, as we are trying to provide for our families, we are actually feeding these bad news monsters!!! Because our food is riddled with the stuff! .... THEN the bad bacteria multiplies QUICKLY ... infesting our whole gut, small intestine, large intestine & organs! ... Demanding more & more & MORE!!! AND wrecking havoc on our health!!! cry emoticon
The more of the nasty monsters in our bodies, the more likely we are to be sick! cry emoticon I am fully persuaded that a HUGE % of our illnesses are nutritionally related! And demanding a better food supply would be in our very best interest. The problem with that is the 'poisonous' food is the least expensive, I know.... but we still gotta spread the word & try to eliminate as much as we can.
And, maybe, if we could just make one change at a time. Like instead of buying the cookies, buy some fruit. Instead of the chips, maybe some cucumbers & slice them & sprinkle seasonings on them. You know? heart emoticon
Nutrition Hint--5 Tips For Kicking Sugar Cravings
1. Avoid Processed Junk Foods
You may know that sugar and processed foods can be as addictive as heroin. Eating sugar artificially stimulates a region of your brain called the nucleus accumbens, to produce dopamine, the pleasure neurotransmitter. Soon dopamine levels drop and we start to feel "flat"...or a bit "down". We crave this pleasant, feel-good feeling sugar leads to addiction. (THIS is in ADDITION to the monsters, the bad bacteria DEMANDING more! ~ruthie)
2. Boost Your Serotonin
Serotonin, aka "the happiness hormone," can be raised through a natural low glycemic diet, daily exercise and plenty of deep restful sleep. When you have sufficient serotonin, you are less likely to have cravings for sweets.
3. Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth With All Natural Stevia
The all-natural sweetener, stevia, has zero calories, does not raise blood sugar levels and is 300 times sweeter than sugar. If you have sugar cravings and want to satisfy your sweet tooth safely, stevia is your best bet. Stevia comes in a liquid and powder form from your local health food store.
4. Drink Plenty of Water
You may sometimes think that your body is asking for sugar, when in fact it's dehydrated and really craving water! Try this simple delicious cravings-buster lemonade: In 8 oz. of water, add the juice of ½ lemon and 5 drops of stevia. You could also try a warm cup of green tea, sweetened with stevia with your meals. This way your sweet taste is satisfied and you won't want a dessert.
5. Keep Your Blood Sugar Stable
Eat several small, healthy meals throughout your day instead of three large portions to avoid dips in blood sugar. Your evening meal should be one of the preferred gluten-free grain-like seeds (quinoa, millet, buckwheat, amaranth). If you do this, your body will produce more serotonin, you'll feel happier and you'll sleep much better at night.
Message me and let me help you! ImmuniPro and PhytAlive will do wonders.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
#gut #goodbacteria #badbacteria #phytalive #immunipro #sugarcravings #addiction #candida #hollycapron

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