Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Better to be Real Than Fake

Disappointments are inevitable, but misery is optional. No matter what kind of setbacks you face, no matter who does you wrong, don’t stay defeated. Thank God that favor is coming your way. ~Joel Osteen~
Oh this is very true, we all have had disappointments in life every single one of us, BUT remember that's part of life, its how your going to deal with it is the big part. Are you going to sit around and complain to everyone about your problems, OR are you going to DO something about it? So many times I have hear people run someone else down because of what they said, or what they are doing. Really what gives any of us the right to judge another? Sometimes you need to look at your own life before you start judging other people. We have all made mistakes in life, we have all done wrong, but remember when you start judging another person and talking about them to other people you are just as in the wrong as they are. The bible says Judge not and you shall not be judged. So what gives YOU the right to judge another? All this does is creates unnecessary drama and hurts others in the process. So next time you are going to talk poorly about someone else, stop and think about your own mistakes you have made. Ignore what others are doing and worry about you and you only. Pray for the ones who have wronged you, forgive them and move on. Leave it all behind you and stop living in misery <3 Holly Capron
#mistakes #disappointments #judge #drama

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