Thursday, November 5, 2015

Proverbs 15:15

All the days of the desponding and afflicted are made evil (by anxious thoughts and forebodings), but he who has a glad heart has a continual feast (regardless of circumstances) Proverbs 15:15
A hot temper stirs up anger... hey I am not saying I am not guilty of being hot headed from time to time... we all have our line... and when it gets crossed by evil doings of liers, cheaters,, and thieves is when my ugly starts to show... what is so terribly important to those that feel they need to destroy others lives simply because that person is happy... its a sad deal... they don't stop they live their lives with thorns that keep them entangled...
I try to live with Joy in my heart... I am grateful for forgiveness... and even though I struggle with forgiving some that have hurt me... I realize its not me.. its them... so I forgive... move on ... never forget... but I forgive .. cause a Happy Heart that doesn't harbor hatred and lies and evil doings... projects a Happy Face... Ya know yesterday I was at the grocery store and there was this man... he caught my eye getting out of his vehicle.. he struggled to stand... as we walked in the store I noticed he was greeting everyone he met... as our eyes met I said Hey how are you ... he said Blessed... I said Amen.. me too... we smiled and went our way.... (me thinking I know the guy hurts... I know he has troubles in his life I could just look at him and know that... but he didn't project that ) I could hear him throughout the store greeting people and laughing... THAT is how I strive to be always... I know I want a continual feast.... Have a Blessed Day... Love Ya'll

#proverbs1515 , #happyheart, #blessed

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