Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fat Flush Water

Fat Flush Water
1 cucumber
1 lemon
2 limes
1 bunch of mint

Slice them all and divide the ingredients between four 24 oz water bottles and fill them up with filtered water. Drink daily Not only does this taste delicious and help flush fat, but it also counts toward your daily water intake!

Lemons: Help in the absorption of sugars and calcium and cuts down your cravings for sweets.

Cucumbers act as a diuretic and flush fat cells. It is alkalizing to the body (if you have an alkaline body, no diseases can live there), and increase your energy levels.

Limes promote a healthy digestive tract.

Mint is a natural appetite suppressant that also aids in digestion.

#fat #water #alkalize #cucumber #lemon #lime #drink #hollycapron

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bronchitis Ear Aches and Pneumonia Story From Pam

Ohhhh YA.... Read what Pam has to say about PhytAlive and ImmuniPro.....
I get bronchitis or pneumonia every year but have been well all winter! Yay! Also I have many more aches and pains in the winter and they are minimal this year! I have been able to help with the outside chores much more this year! I also get ear aches when it is cold and windy if I don't keep my ears covered! Not this year! So glad I was introduced to PhytAlive and ImmuniPro! Pam

#bronchitis #pneumonia #winter #phytalive #immunipro #hollycapron

Message Me.... I am Ready to Help YOU
This Side Of The Fence

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ruth Tells about her help with Colds, Virus, Allergies

Love Getting Messages Like this one from Ruth... Message Me I will Help YOU
Hey! , this time every year, for as many years back as I can remember, I have always gotten 'sick'. I always thought it odd. I was healthy, all the time, till this time of year. Finally, I found out it was a combination of allergies & upper respiratory viruses! Every year, I'd be all stuffy, scratchy throat, literally crying eyes! They would just well up & dump! Every year, I'd be taking allergy & cold medicines, and still miserable. Couldn't talk. Couldn't breathe. Guess what!!?! Since I started taking these products, I have been WELL this season! Have been heavily exposed to upper respiratory viruses, and I am WELL! No meds! No drowsiness from the meds! No scratchy throat, I have my voice, not stuffy, not weepy eyed! AWESOME! WOOHOO! LOVE me some PhytAlive & ImmuniPro!

#allergies #upperrespiratory #virus #breathe #eyes #cold #phytalive #immunipro #hollycapron 
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Are YOU Losing Your Health While Your Losing Your Weight?

Think about it... hair, skin, nails, energy level.. over time you will see a huge change in them if you are not giving your body the required nutrition it needs... sure you might be losing weight now and feeling great... BUT.. just because you don't feel sick... doesn't mean you are healthy.....your body can only do that for so long before it goes HEY wait a minute... I NEED..... Give ME ... HELP ME...
Did you know you can simply take one ounce of PhytAlive and 2 ImmuniPro a day and give your body the daily requirements...
You only get one go around in this crazy world.. one body... PLEASE take care of it... at LifeSpan we Believe in quality NonGMO pure Liquid nutrition backed with our patented probiotic... Get Your Gut Healthy... Get Rid of Sugar Overgrowth.... Candida is more likely than not what is causing you not to lose.... Let me Help YOU
Message me.. or Go here

#corenutrition #candida #weightloss #phytalive #immunipro #hollycapron

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Excitement about PhytAlive and ImmuniPro

I wanna share something with you.... My WHY... Why do I shout from the mountain tops about PhytAlive and ImmuniPro... Why do you see me posting story after story about what it has done for my friends...
TO SHARE with others What I have found...and to help others get healthy through our outstanding products.... I have heard it said Oh well yours is like such and such or yours costs more than the XYZ...let me tell you in my years of struggles with health issues 9 times out of 10 I have already tried XYZ cause I have struggled and searched for years to find the quality that I have found in PhytAlive and ImmuniPro... Backed by 1/2 Billion dollars in proven research and clinical studies.. I am gonna say this... our company doesn't spend un-needed dollars on hype and marketing... LifeSpan Global puts its money into QUALITY products... we even have Certificate of Analysis for every batch (means what it says on the label... is in the bottle)... That is HUGE .... They are made in an FDA grade facility in the U.S.A...and ours Is NOT like such and such... we have been around for many years... Proven results... lol they are "trying" to be like ours!!
Why does LifeSpan share such amazing products through a Network Marketing company... Because our owners understand networking have been in it for MANY years.. and understand that if You get the products in the hands of someone and they take it and see how amazing it is.. they are gonna SHARE and shout out to others...and build a distribution network... much better than it sitting on a shelf in a store with hundreds of other items.. and the clerk working more than likely is just there for the paycheck and there heart is truly not in helping others as mine I make money... YES... but that is not my why... I am Blessed to earn a living doing what I LOVE....Helping Others..

To me this is really exciting.. it allows me time freedom... I get to be home and fix lunch for the guys here on the farm grandkids whenever ... go to activities whenever ... and LOL I wake when I am ready... I have no schedule.. Now that doesn't mean I lay around and don't do stuff everyday helping people is my passion.... I am on the phone, messaging on here... posting excitement...and all I am doing is sharing... I am not a "salesman"... I just simply care about ya'll and share in hopes you will put your trust in me and message me and tell me your story.. let me share mine and help you get healthy...
If our products sound like something you would be interested in.. message me or here is my phone 1-913-608-9712
Holly Capron
This Side Of The Fence

Thursday, February 12, 2015

So Nice to Sleep Well

It is so exciting to sleep so well and wake up rested... for those of you that could... what a blessing.. but for those of us with auto immune like Fibromyalgia that is something most can't enjoy.. due to pain, depression,,, and many other fun happenings.... I am Grateful that one year ago this month a friend introduced me to PhytAlive and ImmuniPro... now let me tell you I was skeptical took him months to convince me to try it... You know what I said.... WHY didn't I listen to you along time ago... I have my life back...
It used to take me hours before I felt like I could function of a morning... NOT ANYMORE... I wake up refreshed.. been doing yoga... Ohhhh Look out world.. I AM READY...
Ya know what's your health worth??? Do you want to enjoy life again... Message me.. I will help you.. and LOL DON"T be as stubborn as I was.....Core Nutrition of PhytAlive and our patented probiotic ImmumiPro
Ohhhh have you ever heard about Candida... seems stupid .... or at least that is what I thought YEARS back when I was told I had overgrowth.. pfffff I thought if that was the case the Dr. would fix me bahahahahaha ya right.. with another prescription that caused me to need another prescription..
Go Here and be sure to watch the Silent Killer Video.. it will OPEN your eyes.. sure did mine.. and for that I can PROUDLY say every symptom I had on the list below is GONE!!!!!!
#hollycapron #phytalive #immunipro #candida #fibro #fibromyalgia #sleep #rested

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Iguana Diet

I want you to think about this....Weight Loss... Whether you are a distributor for a company or you are a consumer of a weight loss supplement.. or even have had a gastric bypass or band surgery... YOU NEED CORE NUTRITION... YOUR Customers NEED CORE NUTRITION...
Lifestyle changes require replacement of minerals/vitamins/antioxidants or your body can't keep up.. you will have fatigue.. hair loss... dry skin.. brittle nails...and if you keep going without supplementation your body will get messed most common symptoms would be adrenals and metabolism .
Now you can Start This Iguana Diet by getting all these by juicing or using a nutri bullet each and every day... To do so go purchase two refrigerators and don't forget your gloves cause who wants to cut up beets everyday and oh ya cutting board,, knives and you better get you and extra gas tank cause you will be going to the produce section every couple of days to get fresh ingredients.... you will spend approx. $65 a day plus extra time to prepare yours and your families meals... and Viola.. you have the Iguana
You can get with me and spend $3.66 a day and take one ounce of a very tasty liquid absorbable NonGMO PhytAlive and get your Immune Tract healthy and balanced by taking Our Patented Probiotic ImmuniPro.. PROMISE you there is not another one like it available on the market... PROMISE
Message me.. I will help YOU and YOU that have customers can help YOUR customers get this... Lets DO THIS

#phytalive #immunipro #corenutrition #weightloss #immune #workfromhome #hollycapron

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Work From Home

WOW... what a weekend... I've had a BUNCH of people private messaging me asking me how THEY can make some extra income doing what I do. So I figured I'd put this post out here for everyone. ...If you are ready to get healthy & would like to help others do so ..... if the sound of making extra income from your own home sounds intriguing, LifeSpan just might be for you.... Call Me 913-608-9712 or message me NOW.....I'm looking to work with a couple of people this week that are ready for a change...
*Free Website
*No Registration Fee
*No Inventory
*No Parties
*No Volume requirements
*Training Calls and groups
*Up to 50% profit on EVERY order, EVERY time
#workfromhome #onlinework #WAHM #WAHD #hollycapron #lifespanglobal #phytalive #immuniPro

Saturday, February 7, 2015

What is Your Health Worth

Its all over the news this week... the talk about supplements not having in them what they say they have in them... I know you have seen me say it time and time again... I am hope this makes you understand the Importance of when I say our products have a certification of analysis on each batch.. AFTER it is all blended together That is HUGE... yes our products may cost a bit more than some....but I ask YOU... what is YOUR Health Worth.....To me it's very IMPORTANT to know what I am putting in my body...and my families body.... I know $3.66 a day is SO worth it to me to have Pure.. NonGMO... Absorbable Liquid Nutrition... and by giving our bodies the daily requirements we are seeing many health ailments disappear...
Lets get you started on your journey... cause I can tell ya.. if it's gonna be... these days it's up to YOU
Message me.. Holly Capron or on here This Side Of The Fence
Or go here

#safesupplements #liquidnutrition #phytAlive #immuniPro #hollycapron #lifespanglobal #certification #nonGmo 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Tips For Kicking Sugar Cravings

WOW! I have just recently learned some very disturbing news about our sugar addictions! :(.... It's stuff that I have always known, but GREATLY discounted!!!!
Most if not all of you probably DO already know this; HOWEVER, I'm sharing to help spread the word or make the point as real for you as it has recently been made for me!
The whole good bacteria vs. bad bacteria in our gut issue.... We have been hearing a lot about it recently with the yogurt commercials. However, I'm not sure we have a strong enough grip on it!
The bad bacteria in our gut feeds on sugar & empty carbs! These are in every processed food made, in one hidden form or another! So, as we are trying to provide for our families, we are actually feeding these bad news monsters!!! Because our food is riddled with the stuff! .... THEN the bad bacteria multiplies QUICKLY ... infesting our whole gut, small intestine, large intestine & organs! ... Demanding more & more & MORE!!! AND wrecking havoc on our health!!! cry emoticon
The more of the nasty monsters in our bodies, the more likely we are to be sick! cry emoticon I am fully persuaded that a HUGE % of our illnesses are nutritionally related! And demanding a better food supply would be in our very best interest. The problem with that is the 'poisonous' food is the least expensive, I know.... but we still gotta spread the word & try to eliminate as much as we can.
And, maybe, if we could just make one change at a time. Like instead of buying the cookies, buy some fruit. Instead of the chips, maybe some cucumbers & slice them & sprinkle seasonings on them. You know? heart emoticon
Nutrition Hint--5 Tips For Kicking Sugar Cravings
1. Avoid Processed Junk Foods
You may know that sugar and processed foods can be as addictive as heroin. Eating sugar artificially stimulates a region of your brain called the nucleus accumbens, to produce dopamine, the pleasure neurotransmitter. Soon dopamine levels drop and we start to feel "flat"...or a bit "down". We crave this pleasant, feel-good feeling sugar leads to addiction. (THIS is in ADDITION to the monsters, the bad bacteria DEMANDING more! ~ruthie)
2. Boost Your Serotonin
Serotonin, aka "the happiness hormone," can be raised through a natural low glycemic diet, daily exercise and plenty of deep restful sleep. When you have sufficient serotonin, you are less likely to have cravings for sweets.
3. Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth With All Natural Stevia
The all-natural sweetener, stevia, has zero calories, does not raise blood sugar levels and is 300 times sweeter than sugar. If you have sugar cravings and want to satisfy your sweet tooth safely, stevia is your best bet. Stevia comes in a liquid and powder form from your local health food store.
4. Drink Plenty of Water
You may sometimes think that your body is asking for sugar, when in fact it's dehydrated and really craving water! Try this simple delicious cravings-buster lemonade: In 8 oz. of water, add the juice of ½ lemon and 5 drops of stevia. You could also try a warm cup of green tea, sweetened with stevia with your meals. This way your sweet taste is satisfied and you won't want a dessert.
5. Keep Your Blood Sugar Stable
Eat several small, healthy meals throughout your day instead of three large portions to avoid dips in blood sugar. Your evening meal should be one of the preferred gluten-free grain-like seeds (quinoa, millet, buckwheat, amaranth). If you do this, your body will produce more serotonin, you'll feel happier and you'll sleep much better at night.
Message me and let me help you! ImmuniPro and PhytAlive will do wonders.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
#gut #goodbacteria #badbacteria #phytalive #immunipro #sugarcravings #addiction #candida #hollycapron

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Watch This short video I made on BioAvailable Nutrition

Let me help you with bioavailable nutrition in your daily diet through PhytAlive And ImmuniPro
With so many stories in the news regarding unsafe supplements... I am Proud to say that for every batch of PhytAlive and ImmuniPro that is made.. we have a certificate of Analysis .. whats on the label is whats in the product!
If you are looking for a safe Non Gmo pure vitamin/mineral supplement look no further... hands down this is the purest best you will find.. backed with a patented probiotic that is getting so many healthy you can't go wrong... build your immune system ... has totally given me my life back...
Holly Capron 

Better to be Real Than Fake

Disappointments are inevitable, but misery is optional. No matter what kind of setbacks you face, no matter who does you wrong, don’t stay defeated. Thank God that favor is coming your way. ~Joel Osteen~
Oh this is very true, we all have had disappointments in life every single one of us, BUT remember that's part of life, its how your going to deal with it is the big part. Are you going to sit around and complain to everyone about your problems, OR are you going to DO something about it? So many times I have hear people run someone else down because of what they said, or what they are doing. Really what gives any of us the right to judge another? Sometimes you need to look at your own life before you start judging other people. We have all made mistakes in life, we have all done wrong, but remember when you start judging another person and talking about them to other people you are just as in the wrong as they are. The bible says Judge not and you shall not be judged. So what gives YOU the right to judge another? All this does is creates unnecessary drama and hurts others in the process. So next time you are going to talk poorly about someone else, stop and think about your own mistakes you have made. Ignore what others are doing and worry about you and you only. Pray for the ones who have wronged you, forgive them and move on. Leave it all behind you and stop living in misery <3 Holly Capron
#mistakes #disappointments #judge #drama