Friday, November 21, 2014

Be THANKFUL Everyday

"One of the first choices we make every day is our attitude. Wake up and put on an attitude of thanksgiving!"
We see it all over facebook... people posting each day what they are Thankful for in the month of November... That is AWESOME.....Its GREAT to be Thankful... But we need to be Thankful EVERYDAY... not just the month of November when its the "Trend"
Ya know I can remember a day years back.... I was much younger and a whole lot less experienced in life...I would wake up and think hmmmm ..ok was I mad and fighting when I went to do I treat him today...WHOA I know that was harsh thinking... as Joyce Meyers would say.. "Stinkin Thinkin"...I think as we get older MOST of us finally realize what life is about... some realize it from the start and others takes longer... and unfortunately there are some that never get it... most everyone reading this is VERY BLESSED.. ya you may have struggles and life may not be perfect..There is ALWAYS something to be Thankful for .. even when you are going THRU a Storm in your life... Think about this.. you must have electricity and a computer or phone to be on here... think about the people that would give ANYTHING to have what we have..Be THANKFUL you have what God has Blessed You with... even when it may not be what you "THINK" you NEED or WANT..cause speaking from experience... it can be RIPPED away from you in a mere second!!!
‪#‎thankful‬ ‪#‎blessings‬ ‪#‎holly‬ #hollycapron

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