Tuesday, November 11, 2014


You wanna Read about a BLESSING.. Read Genes Story
Feel Blessed that this mans HEALTH has been restored.... March of 2013 he shared with me that he was on his second go with Chemo.. Needless to say he had no Energy and looked pretty rough to me. He started on Phytalive mid march of that year.. within 3 months the doc took him off of Chemo stating what ever he was doing keep doing it because he blood numbers were better than he had seen in 2 years.. He has not changed anything other than getting on the product. His pet scans have moved from every 3 months to 6 months.. He has a Great attitude because he feels better.. Gene you are my hero and i hope we continue the next 30 years having a blast.!!!
Message me I will get you started or go here and you can also click the testimony tab and listen to TONS more... www.hollyspowerteam.com

#energy #recovery #petscan #attitude #bloodwork #chemo #holly

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