Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ya Gotta Have Faith

"Having faith is different from understanding. Things may happen that don’t make sense but that’s when we have to surrender our questions to God and say, “No matter what happens, I trust You!” Victoria Osteen
Faith Now that is a Beautiful Word... and to have it is an Amazing Blessing... You know as well as I do.. It's so HARD to keep Faith when a Loved one is laying their dying.. Or a child is sick with a terminal disease...or you can't make it to the end of the month with the money you make and your bills are all behind... You see people walking in Faith everyday.. they say .. Trust God... You hear me say it everyday... and I do Trust God.. I Believe with my WHOLE HEART... Do I feel I have Faith.. well I think I do... I say I do.. but when it comes down to what is going on do I get all worried Yes... But the Thing I have to remember and you do too... We won't always understand our situations and why they are happening...But we have to TRUST GOD...and not Lose Our FAITH...and also remember... life happens to EVERYONE.. we can't stop it... and 9 times out of 10 we can't change it...most of the time we can't understand it... So to me Having Faith and Trusting God is the Best Answer... and Look for the lessons in each situation... He Never Promised us an easy life.. but with His Promises... we WILL get THROUGH our situations 
#Faith #trustGod #holly #hollycapron  Looking For Motivation?

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