Thursday, November 6, 2014


"Our attitude should be, “I have a made-up mind, I’m going to keep moving forward in spite of a bad break, in spite of the critics. My destiny is too great to get discouraged or bitter. I’m going to become not half, not ninety percent, but all God’s created me to be.”" Joel Osteen
You have heard it... if God Brings you to it.. He will bring you through it...well If He opens a door... and you are on one side with your feet plaster to the frame of it keeping your self from going through that door.. is that Trusting God? Is that helping YOU.. nope its making you sick.. a nervous wreck and probably extremely grouchy...remember its YOUR life and God has designed YOUR path.. don't resist.. learn and enjoy <3
Follow Me for GREAT stuff I post daily .. and be sure to check out my photo album.... TONS of great stuff and Recipes .... #change #destiny #holly

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