Thursday, November 13, 2014

Don't Ever Let Anyone Turn Your Sky Into A Ceiling

"When you don’t see how it could happen in the natural, dare to say, “God, even now, in spite of how bad it looks, how long it’s been or how many setbacks I’ve suffered, I believe it’s a new day.” His power is greater than any force that’s trying to stop you." Joel Osteen
Whats the first thing ya do when you have a problem... Should be talk to God.. PERIOD... But so many times we may talk to God.. but then we don't let Him take the reigns... we run to this friend and that friend and family members.. we ALL do it.....WELL ya know what... its NOT their journey...and many times they will tell you what they think.. and most of the time its from their heart...and sometimes its not... its to control you so they can reach their dreams and desires.... there are people who tend to be self centered... and SELFISH and CONTROLLING... not good... you need to back yourself away from those type of people... they only bring drama into your life and keep you from having Joy...Don't EVER let ANYONE turn your Sky(dreams) into a ceiling....Live YOUR life to its fullest.... and let them have their smoke and mirrors... Move On!!!!
Have A Blessed Day ‪#‎control‬ ‪#‎selfish‬ ‪#‎God‬ ‪#‎sky‬ ‪#‎dreams‬ ‪#‎holly‬

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