Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Roll

A fast and delicious Holiday treat that will disappear right before your eyes!!!
Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Rolls
3/4 cup light corn syrup
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup peanut butter
2 tsp vanilla extract
3 Tbsp butter
4 1/2 cups rice crispy cereal
1 cup nutella chocolate or melted chocolate chips

Microwave corn syrup and sugar in a glass bowl till its at boiling point. Stir well and add peanut butter, butter and vanilla extract. Mix well. Pour cereal in a large bowl and pour peanut butter mixture over cereal, mix well. Press in a large cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. You may need to butter up your hand a little bit if its too sticky.
Spread chocolate over cereal mixture and roll up jelly roll style. Place in fridge for 30 minutes to firm up. Cut in slices and enjoy
★¨`*•♫.•Pass it on!! Give someone else a reason to smile. ♫ ..•* ★
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I want to Scream and Shout . SOOO excited!!!!!

Please EXCUSE me WHILE I SCREAM and SHOUT.. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO... OK.. NOW I am not a get on the scale kinda girl... I go by how I feel and how my clothes fit....But yesterday I was out an about and I overheard two different people say.. Wonder what she is doing WOW she has Lost ALOT more weight.. Ya.. I am Smaller than I have been in YEARS...and feel Better.. my head is so clear and sharp... Its a HEALTHY loss... My hair.. skin and nails Reflect it......First Let me say this although #PhytAlive and ‪#‎ImmuniPro‬ ARE NOT Labeled as weight loss products..When You give YOUR BODY what it NEEDS.. Meaning High quality ‪#‎Pure‬ ‪#‎NonGMO‬ Core Nutrients and a #1 Patented Probiotic .. YOU ARE GONNA GET BALANCED... AND LOSE...WOOHOOO... AND I am not BLOATED.. I FEEL AMAZING...see I know alot of you.. probably like I used to be.. think a Probiotic is JUST to help build your immune system keep you from getting flu and virus.. well Yes that is TRUE.. BUT.. when you build your #‎immune‬ system strength.. It Straightens out your ‪#‎digestive‬ system....HELLO.. And this word is not my favorite but ‪#‎GUT‬.. get your Gut healthy and here is a less talked about word.. but VERy Vital to our Health ‪#‎colonhealth‬ giving it ImmuniPro and PhytAlive.. ‪#‎liquidnutrients‬ and ‪#‎1BetaGlucan‬ ‪#‎probiotic‬ a multitude of ailments and sickness and even weight and inches just tend to disappear.. Give it a try.. we have over a HALF A BILLION Dollars in Research... Our products are not just some FAD.. Real Deal here...
Improvements are being seen in .. ‪#‎energy‬ ‪#‎antiaging‬ ‪#‎mood‬ ‪#‎detox‬ ‪#‎libido‬ ‪#‎candida‬ ‪#‎fibroymyalgia‬ ‪#‎skinrashes‬ ‪#‎allergies‬ ‪#‎sinus‬ ‪#‎yeast‬ ‪#‎fungal‬ ‪#‎IBS‬ ‪#‎UTI‬ ‪#‎prostrateissues‬ ‪#‎sugarcravings‬ ‪#‎bloating‬ ‪#‎heartburn‬ ‪#‎moodswings‬ #lactoseintollerance #acidreflux AND A WHOLE LIST MORE #holly
Go to My website to read... here and see more

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Do You WaNnA Build a SnOwMaN

My cute little snowman family

What you need:
2 water bottles
2 empty rolls of toilet paper
orange construction paper
computer paper
some scrap fabric
1. cut 1/4 off the top of one of the toilet paper rolls
2. wrap both water bottles and toilet paper rolls with computer paper cut to fit and tape.
3. use some scrap fabric or yarn to make a scarves
4. cut a triangles out of the orange paper and fold in half and glue or tape on your snowman.
5. Draw a face on your snowman
6. draw on some buttons or paste on some real ones
7. to make the hats I cut rectangles out of the fabric folded them in half and put a rubber band around the top and then you can either sew up the seam but I just put some tape on it lol (I hate sewing)
8. put the hats on your snowmen with the seams on the back and you're done

#snowman  #christmasdecorating #wintercrafts #holly  #hollycapron

Other Peoples Opinion Doesn't Have to Become YOUR Reality

The strongest factor for success is self esteem; Believing you can do it, believing you deserve it and believing you will get it....NOT always Believing what others SAY about YOU...Oh heck ya.. they may lift you up and tell you .. GOOD JOB... You are AMAZING... THANK them and graciously get back to YOUR Reality...How do YOU feel about yourself inside.. WHAT are YOU telling YOURSELF...You know MANY are hearing they are a failure.. they are quitters...and many are THINKING what they are being told is TRUE... when in Fact YOU are WHAT YOU tell yourself...Don't get caught up in their INSECURITIES ... Cause Other Peoples Opinion of You does NOT have to become YOUR REALITY... Look at them and say..."Praise the Lord! What you think of me, is not what God has for me!"
Every day is a new opportunity to do something amazing. ‪#‎SelfEsteem‬ is something you can and MUST control. ...cause Only YOU can write YOUR story... HOW is YOURS Gonna Read...
‪#‎reality‬ ‪#‎believe‬ ‪#‎holly ‪#‎hollycapron‬ #thissideofthefence

Friday, November 21, 2014


SO This is the convo me and Snot Sister are having...she is like ohhh I FEEL so OLD.. Brandon is gonna be 17 tomorrow... I tell her she is old .. LOL but then I say ya really think that is old.. my Brandon will be 31 in a couple of weeks.. and I looked at hubs last night and almost starting crying... I am gonna be the BIG 5-0.. in just a couple months... It makes my tummy flop over.. I have tears typing that out.. ya'll FIFTY.. ME.. FIFTY.. WOW.. I don't feel FIFTY.. hubby told me he thinks I only look 22... I think he was fibbin a bit or didn't want slapped up side the head when I asked him do I LOOK 50.. one of his friends said Oh theres that grey headed old lady when I walked into a meeting this week.. honest I thought about taking my boot right up side his chin... I KNOW.. LOL ME just WHAM.. Honest though I don't feel old.. I am THANKFUL as all get out for my ‪#‎phytAlive‬ and #‎immuniPro‬.. its a like a ‪#‎fountainofyouth‬ ... Truly has made my skin soooo Smooth and clear.. OMGOSH my HAIR.. well ya I know its still grey.. BUT it's getting some black in it.. and its SOOOOOO Healthy and Thick .. before I had some bald spots showing in the back cause my ‪#‎thyroid‬ was never level.. my skin was always yuck and dry.. Ohhh and I have strong nails now.. I ‪#‎sleep‬ GREAT and wake up ‪#‎RESTED‬ and ready for the day...some Dr. Labeled me with ‪#‎fibromyalgia‬ years back.... well it is a TRUE pain and circle of problems from ‪#‎bloodsugar‬ to #thyroid to ‪#‎depression‬...I am ‪#‎grateful‬ for what PhytAlive and ImmuniPro has done for ALL of it.. EVERYTHING is under control.. I am ‪#‎Happy‬ and for the first time in years I ‪#‎FEEL‬ GREAT...
OH an SHE tells me OHHHH you get the ‪#‎Overthehill‬ reward soon.. and Ohhh you can be in the ‪#‎forever21club‬ see.. see why I call her ‪#‎snotsister‬ Well Miss SNOT I don't feel bad at all.. By Golly I will take those titles and SHOW EM... hehehehe <<< GO THERE see what has CHANGED my LIFE... Order ya some... I can't wait to HEAR YOUR story
#holly #hollycapron

Be THANKFUL Everyday

"One of the first choices we make every day is our attitude. Wake up and put on an attitude of thanksgiving!"
We see it all over facebook... people posting each day what they are Thankful for in the month of November... That is AWESOME.....Its GREAT to be Thankful... But we need to be Thankful EVERYDAY... not just the month of November when its the "Trend"
Ya know I can remember a day years back.... I was much younger and a whole lot less experienced in life...I would wake up and think hmmmm ..ok was I mad and fighting when I went to do I treat him today...WHOA I know that was harsh thinking... as Joyce Meyers would say.. "Stinkin Thinkin"...I think as we get older MOST of us finally realize what life is about... some realize it from the start and others takes longer... and unfortunately there are some that never get it... most everyone reading this is VERY BLESSED.. ya you may have struggles and life may not be perfect..There is ALWAYS something to be Thankful for .. even when you are going THRU a Storm in your life... Think about this.. you must have electricity and a computer or phone to be on here... think about the people that would give ANYTHING to have what we have..Be THANKFUL you have what God has Blessed You with... even when it may not be what you "THINK" you NEED or WANT..cause speaking from experience... it can be RIPPED away from you in a mere second!!!
‪#‎thankful‬ ‪#‎blessings‬ ‪#‎holly‬ #hollycapron

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ya Gotta Have Faith

"Having faith is different from understanding. Things may happen that don’t make sense but that’s when we have to surrender our questions to God and say, “No matter what happens, I trust You!” Victoria Osteen
Faith Now that is a Beautiful Word... and to have it is an Amazing Blessing... You know as well as I do.. It's so HARD to keep Faith when a Loved one is laying their dying.. Or a child is sick with a terminal disease...or you can't make it to the end of the month with the money you make and your bills are all behind... You see people walking in Faith everyday.. they say .. Trust God... You hear me say it everyday... and I do Trust God.. I Believe with my WHOLE HEART... Do I feel I have Faith.. well I think I do... I say I do.. but when it comes down to what is going on do I get all worried Yes... But the Thing I have to remember and you do too... We won't always understand our situations and why they are happening...But we have to TRUST GOD...and not Lose Our FAITH...and also remember... life happens to EVERYONE.. we can't stop it... and 9 times out of 10 we can't change it...most of the time we can't understand it... So to me Having Faith and Trusting God is the Best Answer... and Look for the lessons in each situation... He Never Promised us an easy life.. but with His Promises... we WILL get THROUGH our situations 
#Faith #trustGod #holly #hollycapron  Looking For Motivation?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Hi ... I am a top leader in a Direct Sales company called Lifespan.. its a younger company been around for 3 years... but is very new to social media marketing .. I am Looking for Serious People who want to market and honestly get VERY healthy by being a product of our products.. They are PhytAlive and Liquid Core Nutrition.. and ImmuniPro a patented #1 probiotic... The company has done 1/2 billion dollars in research and has certificate of analysis for EVERY batch...If this sounds like something You would be interested in.,. Please send me a Private message..(I check my other folder.. so no worries there ) I do have a public profile so if you want to read more about the company go to my photo album.. click on PhytAlive and ImmuniPro .. my website and MANY posts are in there to tell you a little bit more...
#workfromhome #onlinejobs #WAHM #WAHD #directsaleopportunity

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Parmesan Minute Steak

Ohhhh This is SOOO Good!!!
Be sure to Share to Save and Follow me for more Great Recipes
Parmesean Minute Steak
You will need
4 to 5 minute steaks
In Your first dipping bowl you will need:
1 1/2 cup of flour
1 tbsp Italian Seasoning
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder

In Your 2nd Bowl You will Need:
Beat well 2 eggs
1/8 tsp water
In Your 3rd Bowl you will need:
2 cups of Panko Italian Bread Crumbs
1tsp salt
1/2tsp pepper
1/2 tsp garlic powder
and Family Size jar of marinara sauce or homeade sauce your choice
8 oz of provolone cheese I use the slices
Heat Your Olive Oil
Dip your steak in the bowls in 1, 2, 3 order
Brown them
Place 1 cup of marinara sauce on the bottom of a greased 13 x 9 pan
place steaks on top
cover with remaining sauce.. place cheese on and bake at 375 for 10 min then increase to a low broil for 15 min or until cheese starts to brown
Serve with Pasta of your choice
Hey if you are looking for support and motivation... I have it.. join me here
#parmesean #minutesteak #holly #hollycapron

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Croissant Subs

The combinations you could come up with this is ENDLESS
You will need 3 tubes of croissant rolls
Can use lunchmeat.. Pepperonis.. canadian bacon...hamburger .. all kinds of cheeses.. You name it.. I have made them and added peppers, olives..etc...
Open your rolls.. place them on a pizza pan in a circle like shown... layer your ingredients... then go back around and fold over and tuck edges under....can brush with garlic butter.. and sprinkle with pepper if you choose
Bake at 375 degrees for approx 15 min.
Can use a variety of dipping sauces... or even ranch dressing
Be sure To FOLLOW me For more Great posts.. and check out my albums.. TONS of Great stuff....
‪#‎croissant‬ ‪#‎pepperoni‬ ‪#‎dipping‬ ‪#‎appeitizer‬ ‪#‎footballsnack‬ ‪#‎holly‬
Grandkids LOVE them!!!!

Memory Jars

I LOVE this Idea... I made mine Memories and Blessings.... But you could Label them Whatever You want... Decorating... the Possibilities are ENDLESS....
Then You can give as GIFTS and keep one for yourself... Starting Jan. 1st write down on a slip of paper what you want to remember... Place it in the Jar.. and then You could do MANY options.. ex.. read at your 2015 Thanksgiving.. or Christmas.. Or read on New Years Day... Have Fun with it... I am Gonna Make another one that is kinda like my Prayer Box ... Give it to God... don't take it back and Next Year I can read all of them.. Have Fun with it!!!
Follow Me for MORE great posts
‪#‎memories‬ ‪#‎blessings‬ ‪#‎prayers‬ ‪#‎jars‬ ‪#‎giftideas‬ #holly

Lime Jello Pineapple Rings

Ohhh My Grandma Used to Always do this....
Take a Can of Pineapple Rings... Drain them... and in a small bowl heat 1/2 cup of water till boiling... add package of Lime Jello..
then add 1/2 cup of cold water.. stir well...
Pour over the top of the rings.. and refrigerate overnight..
open the bottom of the can so you can push them out
Slice and Serve
For MORE great recipes Be sure to Follow Me
#limejello #pineapplerings #holly #hollycapron #thanksgivingideas

Saturday, November 15, 2014

My Flu Shot

My Natural Flu Shot... I KNOW whats in mine....Do YOU know whats in YOURS... I am just saying for YOUR benefit ... do YOUR research
‪#‎phytalive‬ ‪#‎holly‬ ‪#‎truebiotic‬ ‪#‎immuniPro‬ if ya wanna read about mine

Gods Plan

"Don’t get stuck on the negative. That hardship, that difficulty is a test. God has strategically put you there. He wouldn’t have allowed it if you couldn’t handle it."Joel Osteen
There are times when it seems to be TOOO much.. like the walls are closing in....first thing to remember You are where you are cause its the exact time and place God wants you... and the way you get through it.. is knowing you will learn lessons that later you will be able to share with others that God has put in your path...ya know there are days I think WHY.. Why have I been through the tragic loss of my Mother.. and other family members.. Why did I have an marriage that I have two AMAZING boys from end...WHY I could go on and on with the WHYS.. what I have to remember and you need to remember... we are put on this earth to HELP others... From the Bottom of my Heart I truly believe YOU are ALL HERE because I have something I can help you with... it may be a recipe... a DIY... some kind words of motivation... or time on the phone laughing.. crying...a funny... Or by SHARING my AMAZING products with you...For whatever reason we are ALL HERE.. Right Now.. Don't Give UP.. God has Our Plan and I am Thankful to be Part of YOURS
‪#‎holly‬ #‎
thissideofthefence‬ #‎GodsPlan‬ ‪#‎journey‬

Friday, November 14, 2014

Punkin DInner Rolls

Transform traditional dinner rolls into something special!!
"Punkin" Dinner Rolls

Serves 24

Transform traditional dinner rolls into something special for Thanksgiving
Prep Time - 4 hr
Cook Time - 20 min
Total Time - 4 hr
24 Rhodes frozen dinner rolls
1 egg
1/2 cup water
9 pecan halves
Preparing Rolls
1.Cover 2 large cookie sheets with parchment paper
2.Spray parchment paper with nonstick spray
3.Lay out 12 frozen rolls on each cookie sheet
4.Spray 2 sheets of plastic wrap with nonstick spray and cover rolls with sprayed side of wrap
5.Place pans in a warm room and let rise for 2 hours
6.Remove plastic wrap from rolls
7.Using kitchen sheers or a very sharp knife cut 7-8 slits in each roll, making sure to leave the center in tact
8.Using the back of a wooden spoon press down into the center, this is where your stem will go
9.Place plastic wrap back over rolls, spraying again as necessary with nonstick spray
10.Place rolls back into warm room and let rise for an additional 1-2 hours
To Bake
1.Preheat oven to 350
2.Remove plastic wrap from rolls and separate cut sections as necessary and press down the center again if needed
3.In a small bowl whisk together egg and water
4.Brush egg wash over each roll
5.Bake each pan for 15-20 minutes or until rolls are golden brown
6.While rolls are baking slice each pecan half into thirds
7.When rolls are golden and baked through remove from oven
8.Place a piece of pecan into the center of each roll to create the stem
9.Serve & ENJOY!!!
Each serving is 3 WW+ point
Follow Me For MORE great recipes
#pumpkin #rolls #holly #hollycapron #dinner #thanksgiving

Candied Green Bean Bundles

Candied Green Bean Bundles
The perfect way to get your veggies and bacon all in one bite

LOVE Recipes ? FRIEND ME /FOLLOW me on Facebook, I am always posting AWESOME stuff!:

1 lb bacon, regular not thick sliced
3 cans (14.5 oz each) canned green beans
1 cup butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp soy sauce
32 toothpicks
To prepare the bundles
1.Line a large casserole dish or high rimmed baking sheet with several layers of foil
2.Cut bacon slices in half
3.Drain green beans thoroughly and place in large bowl
4.On a large clean work surface (I use a cookie sheet for easy clean-up) lay out toothpicks, bacon slices and the bowl of green beans
5.Lay out a bacon slice flat
6.In the middle place 5-6 green beans
7.Roll bacon, fairly tightly, around the green beans
8.Secure the bundle with a toothpick at the seam
9.Place bundles in the prepared pan, they can be packed in there pretty tight - you can make these up to 24 hours in advance and store them covered in the refrigerator until ready to bake
To bake the bundles
1.Preheat oven to 350
2.In a small saucepan melt together butter and brown sugar until well combined
3.Add in garlic powder and soy sauce, whisking until smooth
4.Pour butter mixture over bundles, as evenly as possible
5.Bake bundles for 40-45 minutes or until bacon is cooked through and most of the liquid is gone, they will shrink some
6.Remove from oven and serve or move to a serving platter & keep covered until ready to serve
Each bundle is 4 WW+ points
#holly #greenbean #bacon #appetizers

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Don't Ever Let Anyone Turn Your Sky Into A Ceiling

"When you don’t see how it could happen in the natural, dare to say, “God, even now, in spite of how bad it looks, how long it’s been or how many setbacks I’ve suffered, I believe it’s a new day.” His power is greater than any force that’s trying to stop you." Joel Osteen
Whats the first thing ya do when you have a problem... Should be talk to God.. PERIOD... But so many times we may talk to God.. but then we don't let Him take the reigns... we run to this friend and that friend and family members.. we ALL do it.....WELL ya know what... its NOT their journey...and many times they will tell you what they think.. and most of the time its from their heart...and sometimes its not... its to control you so they can reach their dreams and desires.... there are people who tend to be self centered... and SELFISH and CONTROLLING... not good... you need to back yourself away from those type of people... they only bring drama into your life and keep you from having Joy...Don't EVER let ANYONE turn your Sky(dreams) into a ceiling....Live YOUR life to its fullest.... and let them have their smoke and mirrors... Move On!!!!
Have A Blessed Day ‪#‎control‬ ‪#‎selfish‬ ‪#‎God‬ ‪#‎sky‬ ‪#‎dreams‬ ‪#‎holly‬

Swiss Cheese Green Bean Casserole


  • 3 (14 1/2 ounce) cans green beans, drained or 2 1/2-2 3/4 lbs blanched fresh beans
  • 2 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons onions, minced (optional)
  • 8 ounces swiss cheese, grated (or minced)
  • 16 ounces sour cream
  • 1 1/2-2 cups corn flakes or 1 1/2-2 cups crushed buttery crackers


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Mix butter, flour, sugar, salt, onion, cheese, and sour cream.

  3. Add drained beans and mix gently. (Blanched fresh beans can be substituted for the canned beans.).

  4. Pour into 8 x 8 Pyrex casserole, sprayed with PAM, or other cooking spray.

  5. Top with 1 1/2 - 2 cups cornflakes (or crushed buttery crackers).

  6. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 25-30 minutes, or until bubbly and the topping is golden, but not burned.
    Be sure To FOLLOW me on Facebook .. 
    and Also Sign up for my Email Newsletter
    #greenbeencasserole #swisscheese #cornflakes #butter #thanksgiving #holly #hollysrecipes





  1. Combine all ingredients into 9x13 casserole dish.

  2. Cover and bake@ 350 degrees for 30 mins;Stir and bake 30 mins uncovered.
    #corncasserole #thanksgivingrecipes #holly #hollysrecipes #creamcorn #pasta

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Take A TrueBiotic..Why ImmuniPro

Every time you eat or drink.. you are either feeding disease or fighting it.... Think about that.... You are what you are putting in your stomach.and the environment of toxins your body absorbs...(I know I did hair for 25 years was SICK with every thing you could think of because of the chemicals). and those of you that knew me then and know me now can attest for how I look and feel... HUGE difference....
If you are packing it with processed foods full of chemicals... then no wonder you have ‪#‎bloating‬, ‪#‎digestiveproblems‬, ‪#‎refux‬, ‪#‎celiac‬, ‪#‎allergies‬... your body is on overload... trust me I was there... I have had years of experience with this.... I have tried lotions, potions, prescriptions, yogurts, gums you name it... When I FINALLY listened and started ‪#‎ImmuniPro‬ and ‪#‎PhytAlive‬... my problems started going away... hubby noticed.. and he started it to.. his went away...stop building mansions for drs... take control of YOUR LIFE... a variety of other challenges to unpleasant to mention are running at epidemic levels.. Lets get Healthy together with ‪#‎TRUEBIOTICS‬ and #PhytAlive ‪#‎holly‬ ‪#‎hollycapron‬

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Denises Story with Fibromyalgia

WOW... More ‪#‎energy‬ ‪#‎sleep‬ better... ‪#‎cravingsgone‬... WOW ‪#‎fibromyalgia‬ doing better... this is a MUST listen testimony with Denise L. ... also listen how ‪#‎Phytalive‬ and ‪#‎ImmuniPro‬ WORK.... and HOW YOU CAN GET IT FREE... ya worth 30 min Listen HERE 712-432-1085 pin 308088#
Then GO HERE or message me.. I will HELP YOU
‪#‎holly‬ ‪#‎hollycapron‬


You wanna Read about a BLESSING.. Read Genes Story
Feel Blessed that this mans HEALTH has been restored.... March of 2013 he shared with me that he was on his second go with Chemo.. Needless to say he had no Energy and looked pretty rough to me. He started on Phytalive mid march of that year.. within 3 months the doc took him off of Chemo stating what ever he was doing keep doing it because he blood numbers were better than he had seen in 2 years.. He has not changed anything other than getting on the product. His pet scans have moved from every 3 months to 6 months.. He has a Great attitude because he feels better.. Gene you are my hero and i hope we continue the next 30 years having a blast.!!!
Message me I will get you started or go here and you can also click the testimony tab and listen to TONS more...

#energy #recovery #petscan #attitude #bloodwork #chemo #holly

Thursday, November 6, 2014


"Our attitude should be, “I have a made-up mind, I’m going to keep moving forward in spite of a bad break, in spite of the critics. My destiny is too great to get discouraged or bitter. I’m going to become not half, not ninety percent, but all God’s created me to be.”" Joel Osteen
You have heard it... if God Brings you to it.. He will bring you through it...well If He opens a door... and you are on one side with your feet plaster to the frame of it keeping your self from going through that door.. is that Trusting God? Is that helping YOU.. nope its making you sick.. a nervous wreck and probably extremely grouchy...remember its YOUR life and God has designed YOUR path.. don't resist.. learn and enjoy <3
Follow Me for GREAT stuff I post daily .. and be sure to check out my photo album.... TONS of great stuff and Recipes .... #change #destiny #holly

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


If you are looking to supplement your income.. and get healthy doing it... jump on our call tonight.. you can just listen.. don't have to talk.... then Message me.. and lets get you going or go here 


"Keep moving forward! Sometimes people may try to shut you down, but they have no idea who they are messing with!! KEEP MOVING! Life will test you to see how serious and determined you are. Do not take it personally ~ it comes with the territory. No testimony. KEEP MOVING!!

Sometimes your funds are low and your bills are high. You have to fake a smile when you want to cry. Keep moving forward!! When your back is up against the wall, lean into it and stand tall. Keep moving, even if you fall. Crawl if you must ~ look up, but keep moving forward! Every dream comes with a test and demands of you to bring out your best. Believe in yourself, unleash your power and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!! You have GREATNESS within you!!" Les Brown

#keepmoving #life #best #holly

Sunday, November 2, 2014


"Focus on where you are going, not where you are. Speak life to your circumstances, situations and challenges. Hold the vision of a brilliant future and what you are creating. Challenging circumstances will try to shape and mold you. Stand firm - you will come through this even stronger and more powerful than before.
Dedicate your energy to doing positive things that feed your spirit, your soul and your mind. Remember that you hold the key to shape your life and your future. There is power in you to blaze a new trail and to pursue your greatness. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!!" Les Brown