Friday, December 12, 2014


"At the start of the day let go of the disappointments from yesterday. Start every morning afresh and anew." Joel Osteen
We have heard it ..."If it's to be... it's up to me"..let go off past hurts.. its very important to forgive and forget.. now that doesn't mean you have to approve or even have to ever speak to or look at that person again... that just means forgive them and don't carry that hate and hurt around it just makes YOU sick , miserable and depressed...when you carry it around it destroys your happiness and gives them power over you.. they have done the hurt and probably don't care....more than likely probably have moved on and hurt many others.... but if you sit and dwell on it.. it lets them control you even if you aren't seeing or speaking to them.. they are still controlling your mind and thoughts.. Let GO ... give it to God... put it in your Prayer Box and Forgive and FORGET... you can't change people...many are powered by Greed...that is a evil monster... Keep yourself Powered by God will find yourself much less stressed and HAPPY..
FOLLOW ME for all kinds of great happiness Holly Capron
Also be sure to JOIN me here for chit chat .. support and fun Hollys Helpin Hand
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