Monday, December 22, 2014

Holly's Thoughts On Choosing A Company

You know there are SO many companies out there to represent a product for.. if you are like me you LOVE helping people and that is the main reason you do it... IF not and if YOU are all about the HYPE and the MONEY and looking for a get rich quick scheme and don't care who your hurt along the way ... Then PLEASE stop reading and leave my page!

My whole adult life I have been self employed.. I owned and operated a Beauty Salon for 20 plus years... now in that salon I always carried hair products to retail to customers... you now lotions and potions to make their hair do this or that... can I say I had personally tried each and every one YES... can I say each and everyone worked NO... Companies spend a HUGE amount of money on Marketing and packaging and HYPE telling you they have this or that... ONLY way to know is try it yourself.. if it doesn't live up to what you are being told.. then it's time to get rid of it!

Personally I have to be a product of the product and if I BELIEVE in that product I will be shouting it from the roof tops... example I know some have called me a company hopper .. pfft call me what ya want words don't hurt me... But Hubby and I have been taking Phytalive and ImmuniPro for SEVERAL months.. just hadn't said anything... cause I wanted to be able to give you my true and honest opinion of it..I AM NOT THE TYPE OF PERSON TO JUMP TO SOME INSTANT GRATIFICATION PRODUCT.. JUST CAUSE I SEE A VIDEO!

What does Holly Look for in a Company:
#1 First and Foremost I have to BELIEVE in the Product and see results... The Products MUST be PURE NON GMO NO GLUTEN and FREE FROM CHEMICALS before I would even consider looking at them.. I do Love that LifeSpan Products have over 1/2 billion dollars in research with Proven clinical studies.. AND that EVERY singe batch has a CERTIFICATE of ANALYSIS (means what the label says is in there is IN THERE) and that its manufactured in an FDA  grade approved facility IN THE UNTIED STATES(by no means knocking other countries .. just since I am a U.S. Citizen ..I am Proud to say that )!!!! Now with that said.. I still have to try it and BE SURE.. I DID.. I AM.. Not some instant gratification I have over 10 months on this product!!!! LOVE IT and So Do MANY OTHERS!!!

#2 You have heard it said for a vehicle.. it's only as good as the service department that stands behind it... VERY TRUE in a product company... I want to TALK on THE PHONE to customer service... I am THRILLED I can place a customers order for them either by phone or from my computer here at my home.. or we can call the office and place it.. the customer can order by website or phone... LOVE THAT.!!!

#3 Tell me about the owners... This one is HUGE.. How much experience do they have.. (over 40 years for each)... Can I talk to them.. ( YOU BET Daily if needed.. several times if needed) Will they answer my questions by phone, email, messenger (You BET)They support ME.. That is HUGE
TELL me about MY ENROLLER and the Company Leaders.. do they have my best interest at heart.,, are they people of INTEGRITY... That is HUGE

#4 The company has to be a proven company not some new FAD that everyone is jumping to cause so and so says oh come over here I am making such and such dollars.. Pffft easy to FLASH cash... and I am not about that.. If I can truly get healthy and help others get healthy and I am happy to make some money but I am not about to flash it or flash fake pictures of cars and cash!!!!

#5 If a customer would be unhappy with the product what would happen... Proud to say the owners will take care of it.. make sure they are happy :)

#6 Do I have to carry inventory cause I have had products that have SAT on the shelf and ended up costing me money... Proud to Say NO and that shipments go out and customers have their products in a few days
#7 Do I have to do home parties.. UGGGG NO WAY .. people are to busy and honestly most are a flop cause of well people are two busy..
#8 Free Website YEP..
#9 Online support and company training calls... YEP
#10 REAL PEOPLE with REAL RESULTS .. NO EXCUSES ... I am grateful for the INTEGRITY and HONESTY of our Company..
Blessings to YOU all that took the time to read this... I Pray that You will have the Grace and Leadership and be Led to do what is best for YOU... and Not worry about what "the others" are doing .. cause in the end.. will they be standing at that gate holding YOUR hand as you wait to hear the words "Well Done My CHILD WELL DONE"
#holly #phytalive #immunipro #lifespan #corenutrients 

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