Thursday, December 4, 2014

There is a better way than countless dollars juicing

JUST an AMAZING Testimony from Ruth.. SHE is a Doll.. and I am SOOOO Happy Our Products are doing soooo much to help sooo many!!!!!

Hey ! Just a little shout out for PhytAlive & ImmuniPro , Lifespan Global's products! I have known for years the benefits of juicing, but have not ever successfully juiced for any length of time. It's just a lot of work & cost. So when I learned I could get the benefits of about $65/day of raw veggies, fruits, berries & nuts OR of planting, tending & harvesting a 30 acre garden, in a little 1oz dose of PhytAlive for a couple dollars a day, I was very encouraged! Not to mention the awesome benefits of adding an encapsulated, time released, Probiotic, that makes it all the way through our stomachs and into our intestines where it impregnates and sets up colonies to get everything back in order, the way ImmuniPro does! Thank you, thank you, thank YOU, LifeSpan for investing in the products we need to get out health back! I started feeling the benefits in just the first couple of days. I could literally, already feel my body getting stronger & healthier on the inside! As it is absorbing the raw nutrients from our little 30 acre garden in a bottle, I am feeling more natural energy to carry out my day to day activities ... and our only heat source is wood heat. I'm a stay at home Mom, so, I took that responsibility on myself to keep the stove fed during the night to keep our house warm. That means on bitter cold nights getting up every 2-3 hours to put more wood in it ... last year, i took naps during the day.
This year, I'm cleaning house during the day and hauling in wood for the night & whatever else needs to be done!
It feels SO GOOD KNOWING that even though I don't eat enough raw veggies & fruit ... I'm providing what my body needs in just a 1oz dose, first thing in the morning! AWESOME! This stuff RAWKS!
#holly #truebiotic #juice #vitamins #minerals #phytalive #immunipro #lifespan

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