Sunday, December 28, 2014


"Just as God brings good breaks, He will also use adversity & disappointments to move you toward your destiny." Joel Osteen
We are not promised a perfect life.. ya know life without turmoil and stress....but we are promised is Faith Hope and Love... the way we re act to adversity is what sets us apart.. Oh trust me I have had my share of I could have reacted to some of them in the same way the person was acting.. but NO that makes me well like them.. stoop to their level... Forgiveness and Love is the only way to handle people ... if they have wronged me... Trust me... I NEVER forget... but I can forgive... because of their ways, I will not let it stop my destiny .. so I have to forgive... BUT I don't have to ever speak to them or TRUST them again..... its forever shattered.. Gone... not my place to judge or try to change or control them.. Move on... Head held High knowing God has taught me a lesson that no man can take from me..thru our storms in life we are taught so much and we can share to help others... So if you are feeling down cause someone you trusted has shattered that trust...know that their is Peace and Joy in forgiveness

#trust #forgiveness #letitgo #adversity 

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