Friday, December 26, 2014

No Matter your Storm

"When negative thoughts bombard your mind, declare to yourself, “I am strong. I am well able. I have what it takes.” Remind yourself that you are anointed, you are talented, and you can do this."Joel Osteen
Ever just have those self induced storms.. you know the ones that a thought pops in your head.. then next thing you know you have manifested into a HUGE non existent problem.. then you are down.. upset.. Well That is the devil stealing your JOY filling your head with thoughts that only cause turmoil...whatever you are going thru or you THINK you are going thru.. KNOW that you are STRONG enough to do this.. don't let the devil in he will only make it worse..Tell Yourself.. "This Little Light of Mine... I'm gonna let it shine" .. it's in there I KNOW that Shining Light is there.. God gave us all we need... we just gotta focus!

#joy #storm #shininglight

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