Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Christmas Season

Ahh The Holiday Season.. It's a Joyous time of the year.. But for many.. it brings sorrow.. loneliness..tension..stress... anger.. and many more emotions.... Why is that... My thoughts.... first and foremost so many have lost the meaning of Christmas... it's not about the PRESENTS... its about the PRESENCE many worry about how much they "GET" or how much they "SPEND".. ..uh NO.. stop and realize.. look around.. be Grateful for your health and family... cause all of that can change in a mere moment...Ring of a Phone and lives are forever changed..
I think we all look for that perfect time when we were kids and times were simpler.. we had our parents.. grandparents siblings... aunts.. uncles... around us... Cherish those memories.. never forget.. but also look around you now and count your blessings.. for right here right now.. this is your life... we can't live in the past.. we can visit our memories but don't get stuck there...
Then the stress... with so many exes and steps and this and that.. Life is hard.. its not easy being in those situations where you have to deal with so much.. Here is an idea I came up with 4 years ago... cause I hated seeing the stress and ya hearing the stress of the kids and grandkids having to be here and there and .. and .. and.. the stress of all the work to get the Holidays ready and by the time they all get here they are cranky and tired and yes usually full.. or some of them couldn't be here when the others were... So.. I cancelled Thanksgiving and Christmas in our house... Then I made the 2nd Sunday of December "THANKCHRIST" and that is when we have our whole family together.. It works GREAT...
SO this season.. look for ways to ease your stress.. and don't get caught up in the whole "It's a Perfect Life" syndrome that media portrays...that can cause depression...Enjoy the sights and music and family .. cherish the memories... Be sure to take time for those less fortunate than you... and Above all Remember WHY we celebrate .. MERRY CHRISTMAS.. May Our LORD Bless You and YOURS This CHRISTMAS SEASON

#christmas #presence #jesus #merrychristmas  

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