Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Stand By My Side

"When God puts a promise in your heart, you may not see how it can happen. All the facts may say it’s impossible, but don’t tell Him all the reasons why you don’t believe. That will keep it from happening for you." Joel Osteen
We may not see it now.. but God has our back.. our plan.. our journey all In HIS Promises ...The thing we have to do is TRUST and BELIEVE...ya know sometimes we look to others and expect them to make our lives change.. make it better.. CHANGE and HAPPINESS comes from WITHIN.. people can't save you from your sorrow.. your depression.. but they can darn sure stand beside you and support and lift you up... Look for Friends and Family that will do just that.. avoid the negative.. and cherish the true support you get as your yourself Take a Stand for your own Happiness
‪#‎holly‬ #standbyme #save #change #happy

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