Wednesday, December 31, 2014

52 Week Money Challenge

Oh I did this last year... and when Christmas Got here we had the cash .... we Loved it...
I Printed this out .. so I had a copy of it on my desk!
#hollycapron #savings #52weekmoneychallenge

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Bearded Rancher

"My Bearded Rancher"
As winter comes around so does his beard.. the colder it gets the longer and thicker it gets...I tease him... but I don't care.. I know it helps keep him warm out there...
As he takes "The Buddy" seat on the tractor with me.. we Laugh and say Oh turn up the heat... lets warm our feet!
For This Bearded Man is my Hubs.. no matter what the conditions are outside... no matter what God has handed him...he always wraps his arms around me and his heart is full of Love
I am Thankful God has Blessed me with my bearded Hubs... he makes me laugh when I never thought I could even smile again.

Holly Capron
#hollycapron #love #bestfriend #ranch #farm #wife 

Healthy Harv

Another GREAT Message I Received From Kathy Today What a BLESSING
Holly, there has been soo many wonderful things happen in our life since we started PhytAlive and ImmuniPro, two of the biggest changes have been with Harvey's insulin. The Dr has cut it in half!! The second thing is the IBS is gone. For that one reason we will Never be with out it, and I did say the word Never! LOL
They are SERIOUS Ya'll hey Message me... I will Help YOU
#hollycapron #IBS #insulin

Give Me 90 Days.. You will THANK YOURSELF
Well It's Here... The Good Ol' New Years Resolution Time... Same thing every year..
Most people want to lose weight.. we are all that way especially coming off of Thanksgiving and Christmas...So Tell me what is your plan... I can tell you If You would give me 3 months.. That is all I ask.. THREE MONTHS... I can promise you ... You will Thank yourself for it... Ya know most people want to lose weight but don't understand there is an underlying reason why they can't... One being a vitamin or mineral deficiency .. You know once I spent 3 solid months taking #corenutrients and our patented probiotic my Life changed... I started losing again.. my cravings were gone.. I feel like exercising... my depression is gone... to me feeling better from the inside out is such an amazing step I had never done... and to those that have chosen supplemental ways to lose that is great.. but KNOW that You STILL need proper nutrition.. it is so much easier,, cheaper and faster to simply take One ounce of #PhytAlive and 2 Capsules of ImmuniPro each day... add it to your regimen..
All health and mental state comes from the gut.. get it healthy and you will be Amazed at ALL the things that your body will correct itself!
Now I am spent YEARS taking vitamins.. D, B12 mega doses... but didn't understand the importance of a bio ready liquid .. absorbs 98% better than a over the counter ones that are packed with fillers...that don't digest!
Our Patented Probiotic is spore forming and it makes it through your stomach acid & bile to your intestines, where it will actually be effective in restoring the balance of flora.
Sounds yuck But let me tell you I had spent years eating yogurt take Live probiotic that never did a whole lot for me.. THESE have take my #autoimmune #fibromyalgia and slapped it in the face... YEP I don't hurt anymore.. they are immune modulators... think of your immune system as a spider monkey.. you hurt your are depressed you are sick and on and on... well ImmuniPro has saved me from all that balanced my gut like nothing else has ever done... I am Grateful.. I have my Life back... I go out and walk.. in the heat in the snow.. Its So GREAT!!!!

Are You READY for 90 Days... Trust me on this... You will Be Thanking YOURSELF
Message me Holly Capron I can HELP YOU

Lessons Learned

"How many of you know that God tests you from time to time? Pass your test now. If you don't, you'll get to take it again." Joyce Meyers

What A mouthful... ever ask yourself WHY does my life keep repeating the same ol stress the same things... Ever think possibly its cause we have not  learned the lesson  God wants us to learn... something really deep to think about... you know there can be no rainbow without a storm... so know that whatever you are going through you will get through it and one day Your Trail will be a Triumph and YOU will Have Victory... and be able to help others in their time of need!
#hollycapron #God #test #rainbow #victory

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Southern Comfort News Years Punch From Glass Half Full

  1. Get punch bowl.
  2. Add one container of frozen orange juice (any brand will do). It can still be slightly frozen because I think that makes the punch colder and it will thaw eventually.
  3. Add one container of Minute Maid Limeade. I always use Minute Maid Limeade because it just tastes better.
  4. Add some Cranberry Juice Cocktail--classic Ocean Spray works best. Don't use real cranberry juice. This is no time to try to be healthy. I like the punch to have a pinkish orange color, so I add enough cranberry juice to achieve that look.
  5. Add Southern Comfort. Use your judgement here. No matter how much you add, it will pretty much taste the same. So you decide how drunk you want people to end up and how much of your precious alcohol you want to use. Southern Comfort is relatively cheap and I like people to have a good time, so I add a lot.
  6. Add a bunch of ice or an ice ring. You've made this pretty strong and the juices are pretty sweet, so it can handle a lot of melting ice without losing any of the flavor.
  7. Add a can or two of 7-Up before serving. The fizz makes it good, that's why I add it as close to guest arrival time as possible.
They say what you are doing on the first day of the new year will pretty much predict how that year will go for you. So what better symbolism for the year to come than the abundance of a bowl of punch shared with people you love. Wishing you joy and abundance in 2015!
#holly #Newyearspunch  #southerncomfort #icering


"Just as God brings good breaks, He will also use adversity & disappointments to move you toward your destiny." Joel Osteen
We are not promised a perfect life.. ya know life without turmoil and stress....but we are promised is Faith Hope and Love... the way we re act to adversity is what sets us apart.. Oh trust me I have had my share of I could have reacted to some of them in the same way the person was acting.. but NO that makes me well like them.. stoop to their level... Forgiveness and Love is the only way to handle people ... if they have wronged me... Trust me... I NEVER forget... but I can forgive... because of their ways, I will not let it stop my destiny .. so I have to forgive... BUT I don't have to ever speak to them or TRUST them again..... its forever shattered.. Gone... not my place to judge or try to change or control them.. Move on... Head held High knowing God has taught me a lesson that no man can take from me..thru our storms in life we are taught so much and we can share to help others... So if you are feeling down cause someone you trusted has shattered that trust...know that their is Peace and Joy in forgiveness

#trust #forgiveness #letitgo #adversity 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Grape Jelly Meat Balls

Appetizer Meatballs & Glaze Sauce
1 &1/2lb pre-cooked meatballs
1 10 oz jar Chili Sauce
1 16oz jar Grape Jelly
Combine Chili sauce and grape jelly in a sauce pan. Heat on medium heat until jelly is melted and mixed well with the Chili sauce. Combine mixture with meatballs in a crock pot and heat thoroughly.
These are the best meatballs and I almost feel ashamed to tell how easy they are to make when I'm asked for the recipe......
Source Granny Docs
 #holly #meatballs #grapejelly #chilisauce

Chicken Artichoke Dip Casserole

Chicken Artichoke Dip Casserole


    • 2 cups long grain white rice
    • 3 1/2 cups water
    • 1 tablespoon chicken bouillon granules or 2 chicken bouillon cubes
    • 1 (14 ounce) cans artichoke hearts, packed in water, chopped
    • 3/4 cup light mayonnaise
    • 3/4 cup parmesan cheese
    • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
    • 10 ounces button mushrooms, sliced
    • 1/4 cup dry white wine
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil
    • 1 1/2-2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts, cubed
    • salt and pepper


  1. Prepare a large casserole dish with non-stick cooking spray.
  2. Dissolve the chicken bouillon in the water. Cook the rice in the chicken stock on the stove, or in a rice cooker. When rice is finished cooking, spoon into the casserole dish in an even layer.
  3. In a medium skillet, saute the mushrooms in the olive oil. When mushrooms have softened, add the white wine, and continue to simmer for three to four minutes.
  4. In a medium bowl, combine the chopped artichoke hearts, mayonnaise, Parmesan cheese, garlic powder, and mushrooms (with the juices from the pan). Mix well.
  5. Salt and pepper the cubed chicken breasts to taste. Layer the chicken on top of the rice in the casserole dish.
  6. Spread the artichoke and mushroom mixture over the chicken.
  7. Sprinkle additional Parmesan cheese over the top, if desired.
  8. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through, and the top becomes bubbly and golden brown.
#holly #chicken #rice #artichoke  #dip

Friday, December 26, 2014

No Matter your Storm

"When negative thoughts bombard your mind, declare to yourself, “I am strong. I am well able. I have what it takes.” Remind yourself that you are anointed, you are talented, and you can do this."Joel Osteen
Ever just have those self induced storms.. you know the ones that a thought pops in your head.. then next thing you know you have manifested into a HUGE non existent problem.. then you are down.. upset.. Well That is the devil stealing your JOY filling your head with thoughts that only cause turmoil...whatever you are going thru or you THINK you are going thru.. KNOW that you are STRONG enough to do this.. don't let the devil in he will only make it worse..Tell Yourself.. "This Little Light of Mine... I'm gonna let it shine" .. it's in there I KNOW that Shining Light is there.. God gave us all we need... we just gotta focus!

#joy #storm #shininglight

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Flu Season.. Are YOU at RISK?

The 21st of December was the BIG day! Since then, every day for the next 6 months will bring with it the benefit of more daylight! BUT, at the same time we're now firmly into the Cold and Flu season which will continue for the next 4 months. Which, brings me to my point behind this post; since October 1st, 2014 I've been doing a personal analysis on the testimonies of PhytAlive Extreme!™ and ImmuniPro™. My study shows that the combination of PhytAlive Extreme!™ and ImmuniPro™ significantly shortens the duration of the common cold and reduces the severity of sore throat, congestion, headache, coughing and sneezing AND, dramatically reduces Flu like symptoms. Granted, this IS NOT a scientific (pay the participants, 'wink-wink') double blind placebo study but, it IS the result of average/normal people (you and me) spending OUR OWN MONEY and then VOLUNTARILY sharing their results... their reward is BETTER HEALTH!

Flu and the common cold will hit hard for the next 3-4 months, disrupting work hours, holiday plans and vacations. Those who seek over-the-counter remedies often trade minor relief for debilitating side effects such as drowsiness, irritability, anxiety, dehydration, foggy brain, etc. My study is supported by genuine, unsolicited personal experiences!
According to the National Institutes for Health, Americans suffer1 billion colds annually (remember, there are ONLY 330 million people in the USA). This affects daily productivity costing each working adult an average of near 9 lost work hours with an economic impact of nearly$25 billion. I have concluded that, at the first symptom(s), we should take an additional ounce of the PhytAlive Extreme!™ and one additional ImmuniPro™ for the first 7 days.
Medical research has concluded that, on average, symptoms of the flu or common cold last seven to fourteen days, with the first four days being the most severe and creating the most discomfort and anxiety. After listening to scores of LifeSpan Distributors testimonies, I believe that additional supplementation with PhytAlive Extreme!™ and ImmuniPro™ significantly shortens the duration of the common cold and reduces the severity of sore throat, congestion, headache, coughing and sneezing AND, dramatically reduces Flu like symptoms, while minimizing potential serious complications arising out of a more severe attack from a critically weakened immune system.

Following the use of PhytAlive Extreme!™ and ImmuniPro™ with thousands of Distributors and Customers, we know they are safe! I believe the significant effects of PhytAlive Extreme!™ and ImmuniPro™ have proven to have a positive impact on nasal congestion, runny nose sore throat, congestion, malaise, increased temperature, headache, coughing and sneezing AND, dramatically reduces Flu like symptoms because of their natural anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and potent antioxidant qualities and finally, for their ability to improve blood circulation and carry more oxygen and nutrition to meet the body's energy requirements. These findings are NOT supported by research but by direct consumer results.
PhytAlive Extreme!™ and ImmuniPro™ formulations are available ONLY from LifeSpan Global Distributors.
#holly #immune #truebiotics #cold #flu

Merry Christmas and Thank You for Your Service

This Morning I want to take a moment to THANK ALL of our Military, our Police and Sheriff Depts.... our Emergency and medical depts and yes even our livestock ranchers and farmers... These Brave Men and Women give their lives everyday without hesitation to make our lives Safe and to put food on our tables... many don't know what its like to have days off... plans are always changed.. it takes a strong heart and love for fellow man to serve and as they do.. May Our Lord Bless You and Your Families Today and always
Holly Capron
#holly #police #sheriff #emergencypersonel #medical #farmers #livestockrancher

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

New Tick Fever Found ... MUST READ..

Hubby was reading this on Yahoo This morning…... Prayers for this local Family... I know I had Tick fever this summer and it was HORRID... There are A LOT of weird virus' popping up.. for which they have no know treatments... Personally I BELIEVE the only way to fight off all this weird stuff is through the strength of your own ‪#‎immunesystem‬ .. I TRULY believe that by me taking ‪#‎PhytAlive‬ and ‪#‎immuniPro‬ my HORRID time was shortened and the severity was much less than what others suffered I know our neighbor had it also and he was VERY VERY ill ... Do Your RESEARCH Your Health is in Your Gut.. YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM... PROTECT YOURSELF as much as Possible.. ImmuniPro is not just any probiotic its backed by 1/2 billion dollars in research with proven clinical studies of its effectiveness..
READ THIS >>>> "When you ingest ImmuniPro™, your digestive system's warm, wet, low pH environment together with your natural digestive process. This causes the outer coat to swell and begin to allow water to enter through the coating. The presence of digestive fluids turns on their metabolism (it wakes them up). Outgrowths quickly sprout and reach out through the coating, germinate and proliferate. This takes around 3-4 hours.
Think of it this way, Sporulation is how yeast reproduces and is why baker's and brewer's yeast doesn't need to be refrigerated. Nick Mangeris"
MESSAGE ME or go HERE I KNOW MYSELF I will NEVER be without PhytAlive and ImmuniPro



Country Kitchen Utensil Holder
Here is another GREAT way to use an old rake handle... I did spray it with clear coat spray before using this way...
MEssage Me or go here LETS GET YOU HEALTHY >
Ⓐ Ⓦ Ⓔ Ⓢ Ⓞ Ⓜ Ⓔ FOLLOW ME I am always posting awesome stuff!** Holly Capron

#holly #untensilcaddy #holder #countrykitchenideas

Monday, December 22, 2014

Holly's Thoughts On Choosing A Company

You know there are SO many companies out there to represent a product for.. if you are like me you LOVE helping people and that is the main reason you do it... IF not and if YOU are all about the HYPE and the MONEY and looking for a get rich quick scheme and don't care who your hurt along the way ... Then PLEASE stop reading and leave my page!

My whole adult life I have been self employed.. I owned and operated a Beauty Salon for 20 plus years... now in that salon I always carried hair products to retail to customers... you now lotions and potions to make their hair do this or that... can I say I had personally tried each and every one YES... can I say each and everyone worked NO... Companies spend a HUGE amount of money on Marketing and packaging and HYPE telling you they have this or that... ONLY way to know is try it yourself.. if it doesn't live up to what you are being told.. then it's time to get rid of it!

Personally I have to be a product of the product and if I BELIEVE in that product I will be shouting it from the roof tops... example I know some have called me a company hopper .. pfft call me what ya want words don't hurt me... But Hubby and I have been taking Phytalive and ImmuniPro for SEVERAL months.. just hadn't said anything... cause I wanted to be able to give you my true and honest opinion of it..I AM NOT THE TYPE OF PERSON TO JUMP TO SOME INSTANT GRATIFICATION PRODUCT.. JUST CAUSE I SEE A VIDEO!

What does Holly Look for in a Company:
#1 First and Foremost I have to BELIEVE in the Product and see results... The Products MUST be PURE NON GMO NO GLUTEN and FREE FROM CHEMICALS before I would even consider looking at them.. I do Love that LifeSpan Products have over 1/2 billion dollars in research with Proven clinical studies.. AND that EVERY singe batch has a CERTIFICATE of ANALYSIS (means what the label says is in there is IN THERE) and that its manufactured in an FDA  grade approved facility IN THE UNTIED STATES(by no means knocking other countries .. just since I am a U.S. Citizen ..I am Proud to say that )!!!! Now with that said.. I still have to try it and BE SURE.. I DID.. I AM.. Not some instant gratification I have over 10 months on this product!!!! LOVE IT and So Do MANY OTHERS!!!

#2 You have heard it said for a vehicle.. it's only as good as the service department that stands behind it... VERY TRUE in a product company... I want to TALK on THE PHONE to customer service... I am THRILLED I can place a customers order for them either by phone or from my computer here at my home.. or we can call the office and place it.. the customer can order by website or phone... LOVE THAT.!!!

#3 Tell me about the owners... This one is HUGE.. How much experience do they have.. (over 40 years for each)... Can I talk to them.. ( YOU BET Daily if needed.. several times if needed) Will they answer my questions by phone, email, messenger (You BET)They support ME.. That is HUGE
TELL me about MY ENROLLER and the Company Leaders.. do they have my best interest at heart.,, are they people of INTEGRITY... That is HUGE

#4 The company has to be a proven company not some new FAD that everyone is jumping to cause so and so says oh come over here I am making such and such dollars.. Pffft easy to FLASH cash... and I am not about that.. If I can truly get healthy and help others get healthy and I am happy to make some money but I am not about to flash it or flash fake pictures of cars and cash!!!!

#5 If a customer would be unhappy with the product what would happen... Proud to say the owners will take care of it.. make sure they are happy :)

#6 Do I have to carry inventory cause I have had products that have SAT on the shelf and ended up costing me money... Proud to Say NO and that shipments go out and customers have their products in a few days
#7 Do I have to do home parties.. UGGGG NO WAY .. people are to busy and honestly most are a flop cause of well people are two busy..
#8 Free Website YEP..
#9 Online support and company training calls... YEP
#10 REAL PEOPLE with REAL RESULTS .. NO EXCUSES ... I am grateful for the INTEGRITY and HONESTY of our Company..
Blessings to YOU all that took the time to read this... I Pray that You will have the Grace and Leadership and be Led to do what is best for YOU... and Not worry about what "the others" are doing .. cause in the end.. will they be standing at that gate holding YOUR hand as you wait to hear the words "Well Done My CHILD WELL DONE"
#holly #phytalive #immunipro #lifespan #corenutrients 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Great Wedding Gift Idea

She married him today.
At the end of the wedding party, her mother gave her a newly opened bank savings passbook, with $1000 deposited in it.
She told her, "My dear daughter, take this passbook. Keep it as a record of your married life. Whenever something happy and memorable happens in your new life, put some money in. Write down what it's about next to the amount. The more memorable the event is, the more money you can put in. I've done the first one for you today. Do the others with your husband. When you look back after years, you will know how much happiness you've both shared.'

She shared this with him after getting home. Both of them thought it was a great idea and couldn't wait to make the next deposit! This is what the passbook looked like after a while:

- 7 Feb: $100, his first birthday celebration after marriage
- 1 Mar: $300, she gets a salary raise
- 20 Mar: $200, vacation to Bali
- 15 Apr: $2000, She's pregnant!
- 1 Jun: $1000, He gets the big promotion
and so on...

However, as the years went by, they began fighting and arguing over trivial things. They didn't talk much. They regretted that they had married the most nasty person in the world...There was no more love.
One day she talked to her Mother. 'Mom, we can't stand it anymore. We have decided to divorce. I can't imagine how I decided to marry this guy!'

Her mother replied, 'Sure, that's no big deal. Just do whatever you want, if you really can't stand it. But before that, do one thing. Remember the savings passbook I gave you on your wedding day? Take out all money and spend it first. You shouldn't keep any record of such a poor marriage.'

She agreed with her. So she went to the bank, and was waiting in the queue to cancel the account. While she was waiting, she took a look at the passbook record. She looked, and looked, and looked. Then the memory of all the previous joyful moments came back to her. Her eyes were filled with tears. She left and went home.

When she got home, she handed the passbook to him and asked him to spend the money before getting divorced.

So the next day, he went to the bank, and was waiting in the queue to cancel the account. While he was waiting, he took a look at the passbook record. He looked, and looked, and looked. Then the memory of all the previous joyful moments came back to him. His eyes were filled with tears. He left and went home.

He gave the passbook back to her. She found a new deposit of $5000. And a line next to the record: 'This is the day I realized how much I've loved you throughout all these years. How much happiness you've brought me.'

They hugged and cried, putting the passbook back into the safe.

If you like this story then from now on give a print out of this story to every couple who is getting married along with a nice notebook to record their happy times...who know you may just be able to help them !!

#marriage #blessings #happy #divorce #years #tears

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Immune Building PhytAlive and ImmuniPro

Such Great excitement from by BEAUTIFUL Friend Ronda!!!!
I started taking PhytAlive and ImmuniPro regularly about three months ago because I know I don't get the vitamins and minerals that I need from the food that I eat. I am totally sold on the importance and value of these products. I have been around sick kids with flu, strep throat, bronchitis, and lots of coughing for the last three weeks. . Friday night I was coughing badly and had terrible signs and symptoms of bad chest cold. I started doubling up on my PhytAlive and ImmuniPro and was back to normal by Monday. I also discovered that I've lost 5 lbs. since staying on it regularly for about 3 months now.
Liquid vitamins and minerals along with a healthy gut are key to OVERALL HEALTH. Ronda
MEssage Me or go here LETS GET YOU HEALTHY >
Ⓐ Ⓦ Ⓔ Ⓢ Ⓞ Ⓜ Ⓔ #immunebuilding #phytalive #immunipro #truebiotics

Friday, December 19, 2014

Want to LOSE WEIGHT????

Oh this is so true.. ya know with all the so called "diet" food.. the pre packaged and stuff that says diet... Look around.. da ya think its working.. NOPE... all it is doing is LOADING your body full of CHEMICALS...then your digestive tract becomes soooo packed full of gunk that it stops working properly... THEN ya start getting sick.. like auto immune disorders... no energy.. bloating.. bad skin, hair,. tiredness.. GROUCHY.. Oh I could go ON and ON.. depression... OH MY its no wonder well I will stop.. I will just say I am GRATEFUL for the day I started understanding all this.. my health started turning around.., I used to think oh what can it hurt.. well A may think you are getting away with it now but add a few years on you.. it will show... My body was on CHEMICAL OVERLOAD.. first was all the hair chemicals from my shop .. but then I just kept getting heavier and sicker and before I knew it I carried and EPI pen and took two handfulls of pills everyday.. and STILL did not feel good... . It takes putting GOOD Food in your body... think like this.. if it was made in a plant.. STAY AWAY... if it comes FROM a PLANT ENJOY... Now its hard to get ALL the nutrients our bodies need so We added ‪#‎phytAlive‬ for our Core Nutrition ... One OUNCE is equivalent to $65 worth of fruit and veggies a day.. Thats HUGE.. cause in that once ounce its NON GMO No GLUTEN NO MSG..SAFE and PURE.. Not sprayed with Chemicals!!!!!! THEN we added ‪#‎ImmuniPro‬.. a patented spore probiotic that makes it into your intestine and rids the toxins and balances the good and bad bacteria... wasted soooo many years on eating yogurt and taking the other kind of probiotics.. OOOOOHHHHHHH THANKFUL for LifeSpan
MEssage Me or go here LETS GET YOU HEALTHY >
Ⓐ Ⓦ Ⓔ Ⓢ Ⓞ Ⓜ Ⓔ  ***Feel free to FOLLOW ME I am always posting awesome stuff!**Holly Capron

Go For YOUR dreams

For Every Up there is a down.. for every smile there is a frown...but for every night there is a day , and for every dream there is a way
Don't let others stand in your way... if there is something you want to do and you have that strong feeling its right... Guess what.. That's YOUR Holy Spirit guiding YOU... Not Them.. they have their own journey...Take That LEAP OF FAITH...
‪#‎holly‬ #dreams #regret #faith

Not Hurting as much and Only 2 weeks

Awesome Update from Our Birthday Girl Holly... SOOOOOOO Excited you are gonna feel great for this years Cycle season
"2nd full week on it.
Little things, happening so this is a good thing. Feel better, don't hurt so much. "
Message me if you are ready to Try PhytAlive and ImmuniPro so many great things happening ,or go here
#holly #pain  #happening

Thursday, December 18, 2014

CoZy Winter Foot Soak

Ahhhhhhhhhhh After a Long Day of Shopping or Shoveling Snow.. HOW nice it is to come in and soften your dry tired feet.... This mix is PEFECT!!!
You will Need:
A container
Towel To dry your feet
In the Mix:
2 cups of White Vinegar
2 Cups of Blue Listerine
4 Cups of Warm Water
Mix together and Get Cozy and Soak for at least 10 mins... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ⓐ Ⓦ Ⓔ Ⓢ Ⓞ Ⓜ Ⓔ  FOLLOW ME I am always posting awesome stuff!** Holly Capron
#holly #relax #footsoak #warm


Update from Paul!!!! and I spent last evening visiting with him .. was thinking WOW his Clarity has improved SOOOOO much... Folks This Makes me SOOOOO Happy... Love ya Paul
Here is what he says ...."My second cousin said last night it had helped my recall on my thought when I'm talking to him, in other words finish a sentence before I stopped and forgot what I was talking about! I observe every thing around me all the time guess has a tendency to keep ones brain scrambled"
Message me TODAY if you want more info.. Or GO here
#clarity #thoughts #memory #phytalive #immunipro

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Gift Ideas.... Gooseberry Patch Cookbooks

Ohhhhhh anyone have any of those Gooseberry Patch Cookbooks.. I LOVE them.. They would make GREAT Christmas Gifts

Stand By My Side

"When God puts a promise in your heart, you may not see how it can happen. All the facts may say it’s impossible, but don’t tell Him all the reasons why you don’t believe. That will keep it from happening for you." Joel Osteen
We may not see it now.. but God has our back.. our plan.. our journey all In HIS Promises ...The thing we have to do is TRUST and BELIEVE...ya know sometimes we look to others and expect them to make our lives change.. make it better.. CHANGE and HAPPINESS comes from WITHIN.. people can't save you from your sorrow.. your depression.. but they can darn sure stand beside you and support and lift you up... Look for Friends and Family that will do just that.. avoid the negative.. and cherish the true support you get as your yourself Take a Stand for your own Happiness
‪#‎holly‬ #standbyme #save #change #happy

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


 <3 Snowflakes Poem <3
Please Share.. Snowflakes are Soooo much fun to make.. here is a step by step on how to fold and your design cuts can be anything you want... Hope you enjoy and enjoy the poem... Follow Me I am Always posting awesome stuff Holly Capron
Sometime if this winter you go
Abroad to see the falling snow -
You will find to your surprise
That a trillion flakes will greet your eyes.

Swirling, dancing in the day,
Who could make them quite this way?
Each one new, six sides on all,
Each reflects light as they fall.
No two ever found alike
With lace and rays and sculptured spike.
Here one moment, then they melt,
But what a silent scene is felt!
Discern in those dear tiny flakes
The face of God who nature makes
To please His children and show His love
To all the world from heaven above.
Christine Fitzgerald
#snowflakes #winter #artscrafts #snow #poem

Peanut Butter Fudge

  <3 Peanut Butter Fudge  <3
These would be festive with the Christmas M&M's
Please SHARE my posts and follow me here Holly Capron
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
3/4 cup butter
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups peanut butter (creamy or chunky)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 cups miniature marshmallows
1 2/3 ounces M&M's plain chocolate candy (This is the individual snack size. Use 2 bags if using peanut M&Ms)
Directions: From
Carefully line an 8" square baking pan with parchment paper. Fold the corners carefully and tape the sides if necessary. Don't worry, it doesn't get baked!
Add sugar, butter and evaporated milk to a heavy 2 quart saucepan. On high heat, stir mixture and bring to a full rolling boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, and continue boiling and stirring for 5 minutes, making sure to continuously scrape down the sides. Remove from heat, and allow to cool for 2 minutes. Add peanut butter, and stir until completely melted and incorporated. Add vanilla and marshmallows, and stir until completely melted and incorporated. There should be no visible streaks of peanut butter or marshmallow.
Pour mixture into parchment lined baking pan, tilting or shaking for uniform thickness. While mixture is still warm, press M&Ms into the top of the fudge. I use an even grid pattern, typically 7 across and 7 down. Keep in mind that it's much easier to cut around M&Ms than through them. Press deeply enough to avoid popping out later. If M&Ms start to crack after being pressed into the fudge, the mixture is too hot. In that case, wait a few minutes, and try again.
Refrigerate for at least 4 hours. Carefully lift out the fudge by grabbing opposite sides of the parchment paper. Cut even rows between M&Ms, cleaning your knife in hot water between cuts, or when buildup causes messy cutting.
Assemble a second set of ingredients, and get ready to make another batch because these will be gone before you know it!
Be sure to JOIN my Group.. we have lots of chit chat and motivation.. sprinkled with Love and Fun Hollys Helpin Hand
#holly #fudge #peanutbutter #m&ms

Monday, December 15, 2014

Absolutely the Best New York Cheesecake (Gluten-Free)


Absolutely the Best New York Cheesecake (Gluten-Free)


    • 40 ounces cream cheese
    • 1 1/2 cups sugar
    • 16 ounces sour cream
    • 2 large eggs
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract



  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F and prep a large spring form pan as follows: Place a sheet of parchment paper over the inside bottom of the springform pan, fit the rim and lock in place. Trim excess paper from the underside of the pan. Place a large sheet of heavy duty aluminum foil on counter. Place the locked pan in center and raise up the foil to top rim. Crinkle around the outer top of rim. Using some firm butter, fill in the inside lower rim of pan, using your finger to form a smooth lining. (like caulking a bathtub). Place in freezer while you make the batter. You can also grease the sides of the pan and cut parchment to fit around the in sides as well.
  2. Beat cream cheese and sugar till smooth. Add sour cream, then eggs (one at a time). Add remaining ingredients. Mix on medium speed until well incorporated (about three minutes), scraping down sides of bowl several times while mixing to prevent lumps).
  3. Remove the spring form pan from freezer. Place pan onto a dishcloth onto counter and pour batter into pan. (So it's not 'loud' when you temp it).
  4. With your palms around the outside rim of the pan, GENTLY lift (about 1") and drop down pan onto the towel. Rotate an inch or so and repeat a few times to raise and release air bubbles from batter. (this will help keep your cheesecake from cracking).
  1. Set the spring form pan into a water bath. (A water bath is a baking pan or heat proof container larger than your cake pan with about an inch or two of water above the bottom of the cake pan). This is for even cooking and to preserve moisture).
  2. Bake at 375°F for 30 minutes. WITHOUT opening oven door, reduce temperature to 250°F and continue to bake for an additional two hours or until center of cake registers 150F with a digital thermometer.
  3. Remove from oven, water bath, and outer foil. DO NOT unlock the spring form pan! Place on cooling rack for 60 minutes.
  4. Loosen cake from sides by going between the cake and the pan with the edge of a knife (if you didn't line the sides with parchment paper). Refrigerate for at MINIMUM of four hours but overnight is best. (NOTE: If you are using a topping, you can place it onto the cake about 2 hours after refrigerating the cake).
  5. Unlock and remove the side of pan. For easier slicing, use dental floss. Taut between your hands, press down over cake, then let go of one end, and slide out from side. Rotate and repeat for desired amount of slices, thick or thin is up to you 
  6. #holly #cheesecake #glutenfree  #newyork

Friday, December 12, 2014

EaSy FrUiT SaLaD

 Easy Fruit Salad



  1. In a large bowl, combine peaches, pineapples, and vanilla pudding mix.

  2. This includes the juices from the cans.
  3. Mix well until pudding is dissolved

  4. Stir in strawberries, banana, blueberries, grapes, and sugar if desired.

  5. Chill.
    #holly #fruitsalad #vanillapudding

Happy Campers

I LOVE HAPPY... and WOW Look at All the HAPPY Campers... Lifespans ...Phytalive and ImmuniPro is Changing lives... I know SEVERAL of you have messaged and are watching.. wondering.. I say Why Put off tomorrow what you can do today...EVERYONE can benefit from our Core Nutrients and Patented Probiotic (hey YES ours is different and by golly I will say MUCH better than any I have ever tried).... Lets DO THIS.... We have a Spot for YOU... Message me I will help you get your order in.. Or Go here
‪#‎holly‬ ‪#‎hollycapron‬


"At the start of the day let go of the disappointments from yesterday. Start every morning afresh and anew." Joel Osteen
We have heard it ..."If it's to be... it's up to me"..let go off past hurts.. its very important to forgive and forget.. now that doesn't mean you have to approve or even have to ever speak to or look at that person again... that just means forgive them and don't carry that hate and hurt around it just makes YOU sick , miserable and depressed...when you carry it around it destroys your happiness and gives them power over you.. they have done the hurt and probably don't care....more than likely probably have moved on and hurt many others.... but if you sit and dwell on it.. it lets them control you even if you aren't seeing or speaking to them.. they are still controlling your mind and thoughts.. Let GO ... give it to God... put it in your Prayer Box and Forgive and FORGET... you can't change people...many are powered by Greed...that is a evil monster... Keep yourself Powered by God will find yourself much less stressed and HAPPY..
FOLLOW ME for all kinds of great happiness Holly Capron
Also be sure to JOIN me here for chit chat .. support and fun Hollys Helpin Hand
‪#‎holly‬ ‪#‎happiness‬ #power

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Love of LifeSpan

"Love. It's crucial. If you are fortunate, you get to do what you love for a living. If this is not the case for you right now, find a few moments in your day to do what you love. Too often we prioritize money above all else. We spend countless hours in unfulfilling positions, fortify relationships with folks we would never have as friends, and neglect ourselves, our families and friends to make the almighty dollar.
While supporting oneself is a reality of life, do your best to maintain your authenticity. Be proud of your work. Take part in projects that provide value to others as well as yourself. Remember that you are not defined by your spending ability. Life is more than big homes, fast cars, expensive clothes. Those who truly love you won't care if you have five million or five hundred dollars. They want you to be happy - and you will be, if you make time for who and what you love. You DESERVE!" Les Brown
I am So GRATEFUL each and every day for the HAPPY Smiling Faces I Am BLESSED .. do you know Each and EVERY SMILE in this picture and Many More are ALL Happy because ‪#‎PhytAlive‬ and ‪#‎ImmuniPro‬ Flat out WORKS.. and to get a message of excitement literally brings Tears to my eyes... Thank you ‪#‎lifespanglobal‬
PLEASE SHARE THIS With your friends and Follow me Holly Capron

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Snowflakes One of Natures Most Fragile Things

"Our job on this earth is not to fix everyone but to love them, support them & give them the grace to grow." Victoria Osteen
We are to Love, support and inspire those around us.. but we can not be fixers of all.... think about how many times someone has come to you with a problem...they also took that problem to several other friends.. their Aunt Gertrude .. cousin get the picture.. they FEEL lost and alone.. deep down they know you can't fix it.. but they just need someone to talk to.. someone to listen... think about this.. you are reading through your newsfeed here.. and you see something about say a relationship gone bad or problems at work.. people venting.. you get it..But.. did you ever stop and think.. maybe just maybe they have no one to talk to and they are reaching out for support and a friend.. just a simple comment of "hugs" or "praying for you" or even just a may make all the difference in the world to them...many are insecure.. or live in self pity... don't encourage by saying stuff like OH ya I would do this or do that.. just simply show LOVE and SUPPORT by being a friend...last night we were at the Christmas program...saw several people and you know small town... some you are happy to see and some well you wonder why God keeps them in your life ya know right in your face all the time.. must be a lesson that hasn't been learned..on the way home we were taking and I shared some thoughts and tears with hubs.. he didn't answer first I was like starting to boil up inside why isn't he jumping in and saying something.....then I sat silent.. we got home.. get out of the car.. he wipes my tears and simply hugs me tight...I know the past can't change.. its over.. its happened and gone.. and he knows that too.. no since in the what ifs.. could of's its behind.. not in front... I Thank God everyday for such an AMAZING Hubs ...
Holly Capron

#holly #hollycapron #snowflakes #support #love #fragile 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Healthy Hair

Ok.. spending 20 plus years in the hair industry.. I KNOW .. average hair growth is 1/2 inch a month....I BELIEVE I have just broke the average... WOW... Hey if ya want your hair to grow FAST.. try getting healthy from the inside.. not gonna happen by dumpin chemicals on it.. and oHhh OHHHH it is Getting Darker.. and see those pieces that look frizzy.. well those are all new growth .. Woohooo.Thank you LifeSpan for #‎PhytAlive‬ and ‪#‎ImmuniPro‬...
#hair #grow #fast #holly #hollycapron 

DIY Cleaner

 You know I had bought these "NO STICK" set of pans.. the directions said to cure them with cooking oil and bake them ... well I did.. and EVERYTHING has stuck to them... SOOOO I did this.. and Now they are good as new.. and nothing is sticking YAY
Do Your cookies sheets and Pans get that Gunk on them... This works GREAT...
Just pour Vinegar to cover the bottom
Add Baking Soda
Watch it foam.. .. LOL Kinda like when we did the Volcano's for science class
When it stops foaming take a rag and it rubs right off.. Good as New!!!!
For More Great DIY tips and recipes also be sure to follow me Holly Capron
And Also I have a GREAT GROUP full of support, friendships and chit chat.. Join us here

#diycleaner #holly #hollycapron #bakingsoda #vinegar

DIY Self Cleaner

I have a self cleaning oven.. which I must admit.. I don't usually use the self clean.. heck half the time I only get the top of the oven cleaned...Well, yesterday I sprayed this awesome solution over the racks and also inside the COLD oven, avoiding the heating elements as much as possible. I left it on and didn't wipe it off after a few hours I turned the self clean on.. Ya I KNOW lol.. There was SMOKE.. BUT.. I turned my fan deal on and it sucked it up... Then this morning I wiped it down one more time and see the results. know they aren't perfect.. BUT much better than that thick black baked on stuff.. and I can see through the glass.. That is HUGE.. LOL...I think one of the secrets is to leave the mixture on the surface for awhile.
Into a spray bottle mix:
2 oz. Dawn Dishwashing liquid
4 oz. (bottled) Lemon Juice
8 oz. White Vinegar
10 oz. Water
Have fun and SPARKLE ON!!!!!!
*Please test it first before using on delicate surfaces. This is powerful stuff! I have used it on my shower... my sinks... everywhere.. it works GREAT!!!!
Follow me for more great ideas each day at
I have a group we share ideas.. stories and chit chat.. LOVE for you to join us
*Looking to Get Healthy and Earn some extra money
#holly #hollycapron #ovencleaner #diy #cleaner #lemon