Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Are you an Excuse Maker

"Don’t count yourself out. When God created you, He put in you everything you need to fulfill your destiny." Joel Osteen
Are You an excuse maker.. ever notice how exhausting it is? For you and the person you are talking with... DO it or Don't... Yes or No.. Black or White.... there is no well maybe.. or kinda or if I get to it...
Let's take the "I am too busy statement"... Now Are you.. or have you already predetermined in your mind that you don't want to do it and you just say you are too busy... EXCUSE
Let's take the "I don't have the money or I think it's too expensive"... if you have budgeted and you don't that is one thing.. but if you are out blowing money on pop.. fast food... casinos... etc.. EXCUSE
Let's take the "I have tried it and it didn't work for me statement" ok.. how long... most people live in an instant gratification world... don't give anything patience and consistency... Oh this one really angers me the most... If you have given something a honest amount of time.. say 90 days.. cause that is a good amount.... and it didn't work then ok.. maybe it's not for you.. BUT if you have given it a few days.. or weeks.. or even a mere month... EXCUSE
It's kinda like the dog ate my homework.. REALLY.. Hmmm Did you even Read it.... honestly I know this is a harsh post.. I don't usually be so blunt.. But Stop being Lazy...stop expecting things to happen overnight and good gracious have some self worth and dedication to yourself... stop the pity parties and Realize You are capable of SO much More than you THINK God has equipped you with everything YOU NEED ... to be ALL He has for you in life... It is Up to YOU to Get Out of YOUR own way and Do it!!!!
Holly Capron
#excuses #capable #patience #consistency

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