Saturday, January 17, 2015

Trust Your Gut... It Knows Best

"God says, “You’re well able, you have what it takes, you’re destined to do great things, you’re going to leave your mark on this generation.” He has already counted you; so don’t let other people discount you." Joel Osteen
We all have it one time or another... sometimes it's strong.. sometimes it just gently tugs at you... and how many times have you had that feeling and NOT listened... only to come back later and said I should have trusted my gut feeling on this...ARE OUR GUTS SMART??? Lol well everything is controlled from out Gut.. our moods our feelings our health..and yes our minds in a way... BUT... what that true GUT FEELING is...Thats God... Our Holy Spirit Guide trying to nudge us and say HEY YOU.. Listen up.. This Person.. Or That Thing is NOT a good deal... or HEY You.. Do it.. It's Gonna be GREAT.... Whatever that feeling... We Need to Learn TRUST... FAITH... and to Belief... cause our heads can get influenced sooooo easy by SMOOTH TALKERS..... Con artists... and People that try to make THEIR dream...a reality by controlling Your Life..How do you want to leave YOUR mark... How do YOU want to Live Your Life... and What STORY are You living to be told by future generations...Don't be controlled.... Be YOU... God Has Your Back..Holly Capron
This Side Of The Fence 
#gutinstinct #story #smoothtalker #conartist #feeling #yourlife #faith #believe #people

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