Sunday, January 11, 2015

If You Don't Have Your Health
You know you have heard it said many ways.. I remember my Grandpa used to say ..." one of the worst things to go out is your back".. Grandma used to say ... "Teeth health is so important.. if you don't have good teeth .. your days are painful".. and What about this one.. it Really sticks in my mind... "You can Have All The Money In The World, But If You Don't Have Your Health You don't Have Anything."  So see no matter how you say it.. our health of ourselves and are loved ones really determine much of our happiness... Oh I know you choose to be happy.. its a choice...but sometimes the pain over rules that choice.. when I was down and out suffering from so much fibromyalgia pain.. was I Happy.. heck NO.. I was depressed... grouchy and even had given up and had some well suicidal thoughts... So can a person take charge of their life and make good choices to lay the ground work.. Oh you betcha you can I SURE DID... and doing it NOW when you think you don't need to change anything is the BEST time...So what can a person do...
#1 You can STOP eating processed foods.. you know the ones packed with tons of chemicals
#2 STOP any food or drink that says diet.. they are packed with aspartame and it causes a world of problems
#3 Drink MORE pure water
#4 Exercise .. even if it is just a 5 or 10 min walk each day .. get started.. it will build
#5 Proper Rest
#6 and This is the Most Important PROPER NUTRITION... Well How do we get good nutrition when our lives are so hectic and we honestly don't have the nutrition in the soil like we used to.. I will share with you the Groundwork Hubby and I Choose... Totally Has Given us Our Lives Back.. Now it's up to you whether you choose to listen or not.. I am just sharing from my heart what has helped us.... Plain and simple.. We Choose To Take Phytalive ( 1 to 4 ounces of NONGMO liquid core nutrients) and 2 ImmuniPro each day (patented probiotic).. these are not just some fad nutrients and probiotic.. these have over 1/2 billion dollars in clinical research and Proven Clinical studies... We have been using them for 11 months and our blood work has improved greatly... no more allergy problems.. No More depression.. or mood roller coasters.. and for me the most huge NO MORE FIBROMYALGIA....

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