Monday, January 26, 2015

Arthritis and Nutrition

I wanted to share a conversation
Sandy Asks... Has anyone in this group had relief from arthritis, since being on PhytAlive & ImmuniPro? I have a potential customer who has severe arthritis in her foot and had to have surgery this past Oct and still walking on crutches.
Jane M. answers her .. I will say yes, I have. I have multi levels of arthritis along with fibromyalgia. I am on my fourth bottle of PhytAlive. I feel great now. No more tears.

Belinda L. answers ... I have psoriatic arthritis and as a result of medication I am on my immune system is suppressed. I used to get bronchitis at least 3 times a year and suffered from alot of allergies as well. A little over 2 years ago I got really sick and ended up in the hospital (I was taking what I thought to be a pretty complete vitamin at the time). After a couple of months trying to get over being sick someone shared phytalive with my husband. We started on it and I can tell you that I have not been sick in 2 years. I have been in an office where the crud seemed to be passing around and I didn't get it. I will not miss my phytalive. I take Immunipro as well but I credit phytalive with keeping me well.

Here is what our co founder has to say about it .. hundreds of people that have reported relief from Pain and achey joints certainly inspires me to have her try it. We do know that Circulation Improves remarkably! When this happens, frest blood LOADED with Oxygen reduces Inflamation. Nick Mangeris
I can say myself and Hubby have had GREAT relief since being on Phytalive and Immunipro... I suffered from Fibro Pain and him from arthritis in his hands and knees... through the years old football injuries, jumping of tractors, combines.. it all adds up .. he says he is REALLY glad to have pain free nights of sleep and his days are much better now...
ALL this happens because of giving our bodies the nutrition it requires, PhytAlive is Liquid, cell ready.. it ABSORBS.. so you get what you need.. doesn't go on thru... ImmuniPro.. gets Your Gut healthy.. when you digestive tract is working properly meaning ailments will improve...It has 1/2 billion dollars in clinical studies.. its #1 Spore Form Probiotic ..
AND These Products have given Us Our LIVES Back!
Get Yours TODAY
Give Me A Call...
#arthritis, #truebiotics #immune #pain #fibro #hollycapron #phytalive #immunipro
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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