Friday, January 2, 2015

Healthy Hair, skin, nails are ALL signs of Getting Healthy

LOVE Denises Story... SO PROUD of Her...#hair #weight #nails are ALL signs of getting healthy from the Inside Out!!!!

Denise says: I am so excited! I had a checkup with the Doctor today! I lost 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks and everything is going great! I feel really good, my hair and nails are growing like crazy. I am sleeping better than I have in years and I feel rested when I get up. I have now lost 15 pounds since I started using PhytAlive and ImmuniPro and I am now in control of what I eat for the first time in my adult life, I am not being run by cravings, I am able to make the good choices that are helping me get my health back and lose this weight that is so unhealthy. I do not go back for about a month, and my Doctor challenged me to lose weight with the Holidays! I am going to do it! Who wants to join me in staying as close as possible to a healthy eating plan as we can for the Holidays? Does not mean no treats, means portion control.
SEND me A MESSAGE ... I will Call YOU.. Or Go HERE


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