Thursday, January 8, 2015

Lean Not On Your Own Understanding Proverbs 3 5

"Proverbs 3:5 says, “Lean not on your own understanding.” There are times when your mind will tell you all the reasons why it’s not going to happen. But this is where faith comes in. You have to say, “God, I believe You’re bigger than what the facts say. I don’t see a way, but I know You have a way.” Joel Osteen
MANY times I have tried to play things over in my head.. and look at it from so many angles.. made myself sick inside... what if that.. or maybe this.. well you know what.. the REASON I wasn't at peace is because I wasn't not having FAITH in the situation... You know the times I get that what some call gut feeling.. I call it my Holy Spirit Guide...but the times I have not fought it and just Stepped out in FAITH.. OMGOSH the Blessings just flow... So if you don't see a way and you are struggling.. Have FAITH... Go with your Gut.. Your Guide.. cause that is GOD SPEAKING ... Love ya's Have a GREAT day Holly Capron
#faith #understanding #holyspirit #gutfeeling 

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