Saturday, January 17, 2015

Great Info on B12

 Are you Bitamin B 12 deficient? Symptoms may include: Anemia, fatigue, weakness, loss of balance, weight loss, depression, confusion, poor memory, numbness or tingling in extremities. Remember my dementia information? Vitamin B 12 deficiency is an easy one to reverse the signs of dementia as previously mentioned. The purposes of Vitamin B 12 are to upkeep of the body's metabolism, creation of healthy red blood cells and for the function of the central nervous system. Vitamin B 12 is the ONLY B vitamin stored in the body (liver). For adequate absorption a HEALTHY GI tract is crucial. Vitamin B12 is found in meats, poultry, eggs, shellfish, milk and other dairy products, but are you sure you are getting the daily recommended amount through your diet? I have taken a monthly shot before and it became such a hassle. Then switched to the b12 tablets that melt under your tongue.. took mega doses of those.. nope neither of them EVER changed my blood work... came back each time deficient in b12.... I have been taking PhytAlive and Immunipro for 10 months and feel so much better than I did years ago... Only after 3 months on them... My Blood work already had improved... The FIRST time in YEARS my levels showed normal...With PhytAlive you will get 100% of your daily food nutrients allowance with the one ounce dose and with Immunipro you will get your GI tract healthy probiotics do so much to treat digestive tract bacteria and provide support to our immune system.. YES AutoImmune .. My like GONE.. No Fibro Fog .. No Muscle aches and pains... Fibro Points they don't hurt.. chronic fatigue syndrome GONE.... Check these awesome products out at
HERE If you want Tons of info .. including testimonies and ingredients and more go here HERE
This Side Of The Fence    Holly Capron

 #fibro #truebiotics #digestive #immunesystem #requirednutrients

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