Thursday, January 22, 2015

Shout Out to All Truckers

www.hollyspowerteam.comHey Shout Out to All Truckers... Long or Short Haul.. It's a tough job!
Do You know anyone who drives a truck.. Or do YOU... I know I spent 24 plus years with and married to a trucker... it takes LONG hours.. dedication and being healthy... I remember going with him sometimes it's many hours between stops... and back in the early days we didn't have a refrigerator we could put in the bunk... so nutrition was VERY hard... and when we did get to stop a lot of the food was greasy and well gross .. so it messed up our digestive system.. sometimes simply having to hold it to go to the bathroom... then we had acid reflux .. oh it was a circle... Now days.. well nutrition on the road is worse.. so much processed foods .. fast foods are packed with chemicals... I know I have a couple of friends that are over the road drivers.. they say the hardest thing for them is getting their daily requirements of vitamins and minerals.. cause they had tried taking a slew of pills.. with no changes...I explained to them.. reason being is a lot of times pills are just loaded with fillers.. So they are now taking Liquid PhytAlive Extreme.. it is cell ready and ABSORBS in your body.... meaning you don't just flush it down the toilet when you do go to the restroom...And ImmuniPro it's the most powerful Patented Probiotic available .. gets your digestive tract healthy and many are seeing .. better sleep patterns... reductions in belly problems... body pain reduction... blood sugar is level... when you provide your body with the nutrients it needs... it will provide you with good health... So today I ask you what is your health worth.. to you.. your family... A Lot is riding on those 18 wheels...
Get Started TODAY 

#overtheroad #truckers #truckdriver #18wheelers #nutrition #hollycapron #phytalive #immunipro

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