Thursday, January 22, 2015

Conversation on Neuropathy

I wanna share a conversation we had in our PhytAlive and ImmuniPro Group.....

Hey y'all. Is there any report of those with Diabetic Neuropathy pain & numbness having a reduction in discomfort after taking our products?

Kathy says Harvey had the Neuropathy pain in his feet, he said when the pain started it would last for a full 24hrs. Since starting the products in November he hasn't had a flare up or Restless legs. I'm here to tell you it has been a blessing!

Jane Ann says Uh yes mine is down to only 20% now and it started going down n the 2nd wk and I just started my 3rd bottle!!

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**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. #diabetic #restlessleg #phytalive #hollycapron

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