Friday, January 23, 2015

Is YOUR Salad Lacking Nutrients

I took this picture yesterday of a salad I was making for our lunch... It really stopped me in my tracks... WHY...look how dull the color of the vegetables are... no color=no nutrition in my book... makes my mind go to some factory hot house where they are probably injected with who knows what... So then we sit down to eat it.. TASTELESS ....thank goodness for some salad dressing to liven the thing up...but what really got me... is see I have been buying bagged lettuce cause our store has been so short on head and romaine... guess it's the MSG they use to preserve the stuff... Belly Ache City... ugggg... In this day it seems so hard to get proper nutrition... Hubs and I were talking how Thankful we are that are Nutrition comes NONGMO... and pure Cell Ready Liquid Form... PhytAlive... we simply take 1 to 4 ounces each day and know we are getting our daily food requirements.. and by our body absorbing ... we are seeing sooooo many improvements in our health... we also know the importance of what Probiotics do so we take 2 ImmuniPro each day... being farmers we Know nutrition is important for growth and health of everything

Or message me.. I would Love to help you 

#corenutrition #hollycapron #phytalive #immunipro #foodnutrients #salad 

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