Thursday, January 1, 2015

It It's Gonna Be... It's up to ME

I wanna tell ya'll I HAD battled #depression for YEARS... took anti-depressents on and off only to end up with more side effects.. of MORE depression....anxiety and weight gain...Extreme problems with my #Fibromyalgia... so I stopped them 2 years ago.. Thought OKAY Holly... let's try this naturally... so I went to the local store and bought everything I had read to help.. took mega doses of that red one mega VitD all kinds of Mega B .. I had handfuls I was taking Ohhh and some Mood drops that had all kinds of natural stuff in it....Well there was a day or two I would feel good.. then down then up.. you know the pattern of an emotional wreck.. and sick ALL the time.. sinus , was nuts.. I was too young to feel the way I did... This summer was my lowest point ever.. on top of it all I got TICK FEVER.. ya NOT FUN.. so I drug myself BACK to the doctor.. was given a pain pill and another anti depressant.. went back for a week check up ... ya they hadn't helped.. I cried.. So she said ohhh you are still depressed.. lets DOUBLE that anti depressant dosage... so I did I was desperate at this point.. well two days later I was suicidal.. Ya ME.... That was because of the extreme high dose she so easily said oh sure take it.. Well after some very rough nights and lots of crying and Praying with my hubs... we made THE CHOICE.. to get serious with #PhytAlive and #ImmuniPro the Liquid Nutrition and Patented Probiotic that we had been taking on and off.. WELL I doubled up and within days I started feeling better.. within a couple of weeks I was me again... but here is what AMAZES us with in 90 days ALL my Fibro symptoms were GONE.. depression GONE... and because I have also always battled Thyroid problems I have my blood work drawn every 3 months... To our Amazement when it was drawn FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS... my VitD, B12 , Potassium, Cholesterol, levels were perfect... wasted years on supplement that are mainly fillers... So at that point hubby was convinced these must be some pretty darn good supplements.. so he started taking them and now he sleeps great.. is not living on allergy meds.. or reflux meds.. his blood pressure is perfect...We are Blessed.... Since we were so impressed with our results we started sharing them with EVERYONE... So I am here to say if you have taken the time to read this far... you must have some Health Issues and YOU would like to see what PhytAlive and ImmuniPro will do for you.... notice I say Will... Cause there is not a person alive that cannot benefit from CORE LIQUID NUTRITION and SPORE PROBIOTIC...
MESSAGE ME.... or go here

#hollycapron #truebiotics

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