Monday, January 5, 2015

Vit D and B12 Deficiencies

Did you know there are 170 diseases and deficiencies that dementia is related to? My Friend Beth is a Speech Pathologist and Here is what she says :
"I do therapy with many patients who have dementia. Ironically it is the reason for many referrals for therapy because medical staff and/or loved ones see the change in cognition and want to know if therapy can "fix" it. My role in all of this is first to investigate the patient history. In many cases the dementia is not reversible but in some instances it can be reversed or at least have the progression slowed down. Two of the most common are Vitamin B or Vitamin D deficiencies . We've known about Vitamin B for years and many people get regular B-12 shots. Recently testing is on the increase to check for Vitamin D deficiencies especially after the age of 50. If your genetics are predisposed for dementia or Alzheimer's AND you have a Vitamin D deficiency you are headed down a disparity path you can help to avoid. So what do the doctor's do? They will have you take huge amounts of Vitamin D. The problem with that is do you KNOW the OTC Vitamin D you are taking is effective? Why waste money on a maybe. Spend your hard earned money on 100% nutritional value with Phytalive. You will not believe how much better you will feel and the CLARITY of your mind. Take control of your health today." Beth

Do You know also know I have been told for years to take #VitD and #B12 so I have.. and in MEGA doses... my blood work would ALWAYS come back still low... so I was told by the Dr. Keep Taking .. Well a few months Ago when I started taking #PhytAlive and #ImmuniPro... I had NO IDEA what was about to happen.. but after 3 months I went and had my blood work done... MY LEVELS were PERFECT.. for the FIRST TIME EVER... I am SO THANKFUL for our products... I just want to SHARE and HELP others... Hopefully help you to see there is a Natural Way and it Works.. Send me message either to My Page.. This Side Of The Fence or my personal Holly Capron.. I would Love to help YOU I can give you a call if you want.. send me your number....or go here to my website

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