Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Do You Want a Perpetual or Residual Income Stream

Do You Want a Perpetual or Residual Income Stream?

LifeSpan Global, Incorporated is thrilled to be a Network Marketing Company. It was formed INTENTIONALLY! LifeSpan's ownership has a highly successful Distributor and Management history. We are enthusiastic in our commitment to this Profession. Our dedication has given and continues to give, unlimited opportunity to countless people, in all walks of life who have given up or lost hope.

Our Corporate Citizenship takes great pleasure in contributing to the "Independent Profession of Network Marketing" with extraordinarily high quality nutritional supplements which are verified to provide powerful features adding to a healthier quality of life. Further, we have created rewarding financial incentives which enable anyone to become financially independent as rapidly as he/she desires. The "LifeSpan Motto" says, "Make the Rest of your Life, the Best of your Life!™" This motto is deliberate and all inclusive, confirming the ancient adage, "Wealth without Health is a Life in Conflict."

Our Profession is full of phrases, terms, expressions, etc., adopted from all walks of life. Many of these have had passable adaptation but some are appallingly bungled. When conflicting or inconsistent terms or words are used, the message loses its significance and confuses potential Distributors. During the past several years a explicit term has erroneously become commonplace and, while it may be commonplace, it is NOT correct or proper. It is deceptive and a misnomer. The profession of Network Marketing has tolerated this term long enough, to the extent that it's become an embarrassment. As the father of modern Psychology, William James said, "There's nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it." The term, that is being misused, grossly misrepresents the value of the Network Marketing Profession... is "Residual Income."

The profession of Network Marketing, deserves better! In the mid 1990's, certainly prior to "Residual Income" becoming the prevalent term it is today, I explained the Business aspect of Network Marketing, using the term "Perpetual Income." In choosing the correct meaning, Perpetual, is certainly the most accurate definition of the financial benefits of our profession. The idiom must be, "Create a Perpetual Income." My term was precipitated by questioning and then researching the word "Residual." I was very disappointed in my discovery. Residual, "Generally a quantity left over at the end of a process, the remains of an action, activity... OR... describes a residue after most of something is gone. Constituting a remainder; remaining; Left Over. It has become an almost formal word for, 'What's Left Over.'" (Legally, if a business becomes insolvent, the shareholders, partners, etc. to the bankrupt organization, receive any money that is "Left Over" AFTER all the assets are sold and all creditors paid!) This meaning creates a BAD image for Network Marketing. Personally, "I don't want the leftover(s). I want the MAIN COURSE!"

To ME, a "Residual Income" is what a Boss pays you... It's what's left over, the amount a company decides, in a Corporate Business Plan, what can be "afforded" to be given to you, the EMPLOYEE! If your company has a "Car Program," do you get the "Leftover" car?

Today, I looked "Residual" up again. In reviewing three different definitions, I could not justify using Residual in any presentation for LifeSpan.

When a Distributor builds a downline through sponsorships, sharing and building relationships, it becomes a Network Marketing Business. It is a viable asset, willable, it contains growing and 'PERPETUAL,' indicating future value. We talk about improving our quality of life, improved health, quality retirement, vacations, time freedom, luxuries, etc, today... and in the future. I want an income that continues to perpetuate itself! Not one that grovels for what's left over! Look at Amway, Shaklee, Herbalife, Forever Living, Nu Skin, Mary Kay, they have created an opportunity for a Perpetual Income, not what's left over.

As an example, if you were to write an advertising jingle, lyrics for a recording artist, do a music score for a popular song, each time that song played on the Radio, TV, or a CD was sold, you would receive a commission, or royalty payment, even though you didn't actually make the sale. A Perpetual Income in Network Marketing is exactly the same. It's income you perpetually receive, based on a Perpetuation of your initial efforts... regardless of the distance between you and the actual transaction. In Network Marketing this Perpetual Income/Royalty is distributed through a network of contacts; acquaintances, social, business and yes, even relatives! This Perpetual Income is based on the sale and consumption of products and/or, in some companies, services. As these products and/or services perpetuate/duplicate sales, new sales and an ongoing consumption of these products or services, you, the one who initiated this activity, receives a Perpetual Commission, Royalty, Override, etc.

As an aside, this is the primary reason why "consumable" products are the most effective in Network Marketing. Consumable products provide value and generate perpetual revenue. They are those items that are bought, used/consumed and then replaced, over and over and over again - month in and month out, year in and year out! Perpetual... definition(s), continuing or enduring forever; everlasting, ongoing, Instituted to be in effect or have tenure for an 'unlimited duration! Now THAT'S my definition of a Professional Network Marketing Income. Help me "Perpetuate" our Profession!
Nick Mangeris
LifeSpan Global 

#perpetualincome #workfromhome #onlinejob #hollycapron #lifespan  

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