Friday, January 30, 2015

Bye Bye Fibromyalgia. See YOU Never

You know living YEARS with Fibromyalgia Pain, depression, brain fog and the countless other symptoms that go along with it .. had become a HUGE part of my life... well let me back track.. it was starting to control my life...and honestly I tried to stay strong.. I tried my hardest to not let it ruin my life with my family... but sometimes strong is not enough.. this past summer I was at my all time low... I had the core nutrition of PhytAlive and the amazing probiotic Immunipro.. but I wasn't taking them serious.. I hadn't been consistent or given them enough time to work through what was going on in my body... so this summer I got serious and it was just a matter of weeks I saw my life changing.. I was laughing again, going places,,, then one night I was hurting probably the worst I ever had and I managed to sleep a little.. I woke the next morning and was HEY wait a minute.. I don't hurt.. whats going on... that was the end of August '14 and to date NO PAIN.. No DEPRESSION... I have My LIFE BACK
Could an unhealthy gut be the cause of fibromyalgia? Has the SECRET to the Success of PhytAlive AND ImmuniPro in SOOOO Many been found? I Say Yes... Core Nutrition and Spore Probiotic I simply take 2 ounces a day of PhytAlive and 2 capsules of ImmuniPro..
These two products are AMAZING....
Holly Capron - "If it's Gonna Be It's Up To Me "
#phytalive #immunipro #lifespan #immune, #hollycapron #truebiotics
Hey I am here to help you!!!!!!!!

My Personal Story on Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse is REAL.. it's Hard to talk about and many live in fear for their lives each day...
I commend the advertisers for including this commercial in the Super Bowl
The woman on the phone was very clever to do this and the dispatcher was on his toes to pick up on it..
Myself I was not abused but my mother lost her life to domestic abuse., so that makes us victims.. I look back.. of course I cry for not getting her's so hard when a loved one is in a relationship like that, they for one are scared of whatever the person has threatened them with....and on this end it's very hard cause you plead and talk and think you have them convinced to leave and then they turn and go back... looking at my Moms life... she was very talented.. very beautiful.. her family all loved her very much...but she lacked self confidence... I don't know why.. I will never understand it.. she had it all... but she always got involved with monsters.. prescription drugs, alcohol.. you name it... her insecurities kept her with them.
CONTROL is NOT Love.. and if you have someone that is controlling you and may be abusing you.. make that call... get to a safe place... God has a special plan for your life and living in fear is not it.
To all that have always been there for our family
and helped us cope with this.. May The Lord Bless You... It never goes away.. but your support and love sure help <3
Holly Capron
#getout #domesticabuse #superbowlcommercial

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Do You Want a Perpetual or Residual Income Stream

Do You Want a Perpetual or Residual Income Stream?

LifeSpan Global, Incorporated is thrilled to be a Network Marketing Company. It was formed INTENTIONALLY! LifeSpan's ownership has a highly successful Distributor and Management history. We are enthusiastic in our commitment to this Profession. Our dedication has given and continues to give, unlimited opportunity to countless people, in all walks of life who have given up or lost hope.

Our Corporate Citizenship takes great pleasure in contributing to the "Independent Profession of Network Marketing" with extraordinarily high quality nutritional supplements which are verified to provide powerful features adding to a healthier quality of life. Further, we have created rewarding financial incentives which enable anyone to become financially independent as rapidly as he/she desires. The "LifeSpan Motto" says, "Make the Rest of your Life, the Best of your Life!™" This motto is deliberate and all inclusive, confirming the ancient adage, "Wealth without Health is a Life in Conflict."

Our Profession is full of phrases, terms, expressions, etc., adopted from all walks of life. Many of these have had passable adaptation but some are appallingly bungled. When conflicting or inconsistent terms or words are used, the message loses its significance and confuses potential Distributors. During the past several years a explicit term has erroneously become commonplace and, while it may be commonplace, it is NOT correct or proper. It is deceptive and a misnomer. The profession of Network Marketing has tolerated this term long enough, to the extent that it's become an embarrassment. As the father of modern Psychology, William James said, "There's nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it." The term, that is being misused, grossly misrepresents the value of the Network Marketing Profession... is "Residual Income."

The profession of Network Marketing, deserves better! In the mid 1990's, certainly prior to "Residual Income" becoming the prevalent term it is today, I explained the Business aspect of Network Marketing, using the term "Perpetual Income." In choosing the correct meaning, Perpetual, is certainly the most accurate definition of the financial benefits of our profession. The idiom must be, "Create a Perpetual Income." My term was precipitated by questioning and then researching the word "Residual." I was very disappointed in my discovery. Residual, "Generally a quantity left over at the end of a process, the remains of an action, activity... OR... describes a residue after most of something is gone. Constituting a remainder; remaining; Left Over. It has become an almost formal word for, 'What's Left Over.'" (Legally, if a business becomes insolvent, the shareholders, partners, etc. to the bankrupt organization, receive any money that is "Left Over" AFTER all the assets are sold and all creditors paid!) This meaning creates a BAD image for Network Marketing. Personally, "I don't want the leftover(s). I want the MAIN COURSE!"

To ME, a "Residual Income" is what a Boss pays you... It's what's left over, the amount a company decides, in a Corporate Business Plan, what can be "afforded" to be given to you, the EMPLOYEE! If your company has a "Car Program," do you get the "Leftover" car?

Today, I looked "Residual" up again. In reviewing three different definitions, I could not justify using Residual in any presentation for LifeSpan.

When a Distributor builds a downline through sponsorships, sharing and building relationships, it becomes a Network Marketing Business. It is a viable asset, willable, it contains growing and 'PERPETUAL,' indicating future value. We talk about improving our quality of life, improved health, quality retirement, vacations, time freedom, luxuries, etc, today... and in the future. I want an income that continues to perpetuate itself! Not one that grovels for what's left over! Look at Amway, Shaklee, Herbalife, Forever Living, Nu Skin, Mary Kay, they have created an opportunity for a Perpetual Income, not what's left over.

As an example, if you were to write an advertising jingle, lyrics for a recording artist, do a music score for a popular song, each time that song played on the Radio, TV, or a CD was sold, you would receive a commission, or royalty payment, even though you didn't actually make the sale. A Perpetual Income in Network Marketing is exactly the same. It's income you perpetually receive, based on a Perpetuation of your initial efforts... regardless of the distance between you and the actual transaction. In Network Marketing this Perpetual Income/Royalty is distributed through a network of contacts; acquaintances, social, business and yes, even relatives! This Perpetual Income is based on the sale and consumption of products and/or, in some companies, services. As these products and/or services perpetuate/duplicate sales, new sales and an ongoing consumption of these products or services, you, the one who initiated this activity, receives a Perpetual Commission, Royalty, Override, etc.

As an aside, this is the primary reason why "consumable" products are the most effective in Network Marketing. Consumable products provide value and generate perpetual revenue. They are those items that are bought, used/consumed and then replaced, over and over and over again - month in and month out, year in and year out! Perpetual... definition(s), continuing or enduring forever; everlasting, ongoing, Instituted to be in effect or have tenure for an 'unlimited duration! Now THAT'S my definition of a Professional Network Marketing Income. Help me "Perpetuate" our Profession!
Nick Mangeris
LifeSpan Global 

#perpetualincome #workfromhome #onlinejob #hollycapron #lifespan

Monday, January 26, 2015

Arthritis and Nutrition

I wanted to share a conversation
Sandy Asks... Has anyone in this group had relief from arthritis, since being on PhytAlive & ImmuniPro? I have a potential customer who has severe arthritis in her foot and had to have surgery this past Oct and still walking on crutches.
Jane M. answers her .. I will say yes, I have. I have multi levels of arthritis along with fibromyalgia. I am on my fourth bottle of PhytAlive. I feel great now. No more tears.

Belinda L. answers ... I have psoriatic arthritis and as a result of medication I am on my immune system is suppressed. I used to get bronchitis at least 3 times a year and suffered from alot of allergies as well. A little over 2 years ago I got really sick and ended up in the hospital (I was taking what I thought to be a pretty complete vitamin at the time). After a couple of months trying to get over being sick someone shared phytalive with my husband. We started on it and I can tell you that I have not been sick in 2 years. I have been in an office where the crud seemed to be passing around and I didn't get it. I will not miss my phytalive. I take Immunipro as well but I credit phytalive with keeping me well.

Here is what our co founder has to say about it .. hundreds of people that have reported relief from Pain and achey joints certainly inspires me to have her try it. We do know that Circulation Improves remarkably! When this happens, frest blood LOADED with Oxygen reduces Inflamation. Nick Mangeris
I can say myself and Hubby have had GREAT relief since being on Phytalive and Immunipro... I suffered from Fibro Pain and him from arthritis in his hands and knees... through the years old football injuries, jumping of tractors, combines.. it all adds up .. he says he is REALLY glad to have pain free nights of sleep and his days are much better now...
ALL this happens because of giving our bodies the nutrition it requires, PhytAlive is Liquid, cell ready.. it ABSORBS.. so you get what you need.. doesn't go on thru... ImmuniPro.. gets Your Gut healthy.. when you digestive tract is working properly meaning ailments will improve...It has 1/2 billion dollars in clinical studies.. its #1 Spore Form Probiotic ..
AND These Products have given Us Our LIVES Back!
Get Yours TODAY
Give Me A Call...
#arthritis, #truebiotics #immune #pain #fibro #hollycapron #phytalive #immunipro
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Is YOUR Salad Lacking Nutrients

I took this picture yesterday of a salad I was making for our lunch... It really stopped me in my tracks... WHY...look how dull the color of the vegetables are... no color=no nutrition in my book... makes my mind go to some factory hot house where they are probably injected with who knows what... So then we sit down to eat it.. TASTELESS ....thank goodness for some salad dressing to liven the thing up...but what really got me... is see I have been buying bagged lettuce cause our store has been so short on head and romaine... guess it's the MSG they use to preserve the stuff... Belly Ache City... ugggg... In this day it seems so hard to get proper nutrition... Hubs and I were talking how Thankful we are that are Nutrition comes NONGMO... and pure Cell Ready Liquid Form... PhytAlive... we simply take 1 to 4 ounces each day and know we are getting our daily food requirements.. and by our body absorbing ... we are seeing sooooo many improvements in our health... we also know the importance of what Probiotics do so we take 2 ImmuniPro each day... being farmers we Know nutrition is important for growth and health of everything

Or message me.. I would Love to help you 

#corenutrition #hollycapron #phytalive #immunipro #foodnutrients #salad 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cute Cheap Valentine Gift Ideas

Such cute easy ideas... working with cardstock and using your own imagination and thoughts from your heart... you will be able to come up with many memorable ideas!

What I LOVE about these ideas ... you don't have to be a talented scrap booker or have those expensive machines... Have Fun With it... Happy Valentines Day
There is something heartfelt about doing things in your own handwriting!
I don't Know about You but I am Headed to Michaels!!!
Source DIYLover

#valentinesday #cardideas #thissideofthefence #chocolate #cardstock

Shout Out to All Truckers

www.hollyspowerteam.comHey Shout Out to All Truckers... Long or Short Haul.. It's a tough job!
Do You know anyone who drives a truck.. Or do YOU... I know I spent 24 plus years with and married to a trucker... it takes LONG hours.. dedication and being healthy... I remember going with him sometimes it's many hours between stops... and back in the early days we didn't have a refrigerator we could put in the bunk... so nutrition was VERY hard... and when we did get to stop a lot of the food was greasy and well gross .. so it messed up our digestive system.. sometimes simply having to hold it to go to the bathroom... then we had acid reflux .. oh it was a circle... Now days.. well nutrition on the road is worse.. so much processed foods .. fast foods are packed with chemicals... I know I have a couple of friends that are over the road drivers.. they say the hardest thing for them is getting their daily requirements of vitamins and minerals.. cause they had tried taking a slew of pills.. with no changes...I explained to them.. reason being is a lot of times pills are just loaded with fillers.. So they are now taking Liquid PhytAlive Extreme.. it is cell ready and ABSORBS in your body.... meaning you don't just flush it down the toilet when you do go to the restroom...And ImmuniPro it's the most powerful Patented Probiotic available .. gets your digestive tract healthy and many are seeing .. better sleep patterns... reductions in belly problems... body pain reduction... blood sugar is level... when you provide your body with the nutrients it needs... it will provide you with good health... So today I ask you what is your health worth.. to you.. your family... A Lot is riding on those 18 wheels...
Get Started TODAY 

#overtheroad #truckers #truckdriver #18wheelers #nutrition #hollycapron #phytalive #immunipro

Conversation on Neuropathy

I wanna share a conversation we had in our PhytAlive and ImmuniPro Group.....

Hey y'all. Is there any report of those with Diabetic Neuropathy pain & numbness having a reduction in discomfort after taking our products?

Kathy says Harvey had the Neuropathy pain in his feet, he said when the pain started it would last for a full 24hrs. Since starting the products in November he hasn't had a flare up or Restless legs. I'm here to tell you it has been a blessing!

Jane Ann says Uh yes mine is down to only 20% now and it started going down n the 2nd wk and I just started my 3rd bottle!!

Give YOUR body absorbable Liquid Nutrients... PhytAlive Extreme
Get Started TODAY
Find Out MORE 1 -913-608-9712
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. #diabetic #restlessleg #phytalive #hollycapron

Better Is One Day

You ever wake up with a song in your heart... This Morning This was mine... I KNOW someone needs to hear this today...
"Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked."--Psalm 84:10
"Release the worry, release the stress. God promises he will work out His plan for your life. " Joel Osteen
#faith #hope #love #hollycapron

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Lycopene What Is It

Lycopene Extract.
Lycopene is the natural substance (part of the carotenoid group) responsible for the deep red color in many foods, most particularly in tomatoes. However, this fact is not what lycopene is most famous for. Most people are familiar with lycopene because of of the many health benefits it provides such as a cancer fighting agent and a powerful antioxidant.
Lycopene Overview
It was only in the late part of the twentieth century that the investigation of lycopene’s health benefits started. However, for such a short period of time, scientists and medical researchers have established the significant role it plays in human health. You can find lycopene in certain vegetables and fruits. Once you consume the foods with lycopene, your body will use it as an antioxidant. However, for your body to benefit from it, you need to eat enough of the foods containing lycopene. The fruits and vegetables that are great sources of this substance can easily be added to your daily health regimen. The following are some foods that contain high concentration of lycopene:
Pink Grapefruits
Pink Guava
How Lycopene Functions
Lycopene is allegedly a more effective antioxidant than other of its carotenoid cousins which include beta-carotene. Its powerful antioxidant actions are effective in maintaining the strength, thickness and fluidity of cell membranes. Cell membranes are the guardians of cells. They are responsible for screening what goes in and out of cells. They allow good nutrients in and remove cellular junk and prevent toxins from entering the cells. Strong healthy cell membranes are vital in the prevention of many diseases.
Health Benefits
Lycopene is well known specifically to help prevent many forms of cancer as well as the prevention and treatments of many illnesses and diseases such as:
Heart diseases-Lycopene stops LDL cholesterol from being oxidized by free radicals and in turn cannot be deposited in the plaques which narrows and hardens the arteries
Infertility-Research suggests that lycopene may help in the treatment of infertility. Results from tests showed that lycopene can boost sperm concentration in men
Helps prevent diabetes
Prevents age-related macular degeneration and cataracts
Prevents the aging of skin and keeps it younger looking
Acts as an internal sunscreen and protects your skin from sunburn
Lycopene is also been known to help prevent osteoporosis
Dietary Supplement and Side Effects
Lycopene is available as a dietary supplement in mixed formulations or by itself. It is typically available in soft-gels form and is oil based. There are currently no reported side effects from eating foods that are rich in lycopene or taking lycopene dietary supplements. To be on the safe side though, you should always follow the standard dosage prescribed. Tomato extract is also another form of lycopene supplement that is becoming popular and wide-selling.
Lycopene is a substance that has many health benefits for you and your body. Most health agencies encourage individuals to increase their intake of food that has high levels of carotenoids, lycopene included.
#hollycapron #phytalive #immunipro #lycopene

Monday, January 19, 2015

Are YOU absorbing your Vitamins/Minerals

Have you ever thought about how much you spend on vitamins and supplements a month? Are you SURE your body is absorbing them? Pill forms are absorbed by the body at a very low percentage, but liquid form is about 98%. Are you getting pure vitamins or supplements? With PhytaLive and ImmuniPro you get what is listed and it is AMAZING the amount of nutrients you get from each dose! Non GMO...Go ahead check out the facts and get started rebuilding your energy, core nutrition and a healthy GI tract. It will be one of the best decisions you have ever made. Pm me for more information and I will be more than happy to share! Or go Here
 #hollycapron #phytAlive #immuniPro #absorbtion #vitamins #minerals #pure #nonGMO

Drink water as soon as you get out of bed!

The Current Health Trend is To drink water as soon as you get out of bed... 
They say as soon as you wake drink 4 six ounces glasses of water... if you can't do that starting off work up to it!
By doing so it has been connected to the prevention of certain ailments and diseases such as body aches, obesity, constipation, heart problems.. gastritis and MANY more.
Then brush your teeth and do your morning routine... wait 45 min. before eating or drinking anything else..then after 45 min... Eat breakfast as usual... then do not drink anything else for 2 hours.
Research has shown that by doing this for the specific days significant improvement has been reached in these
High Blood Pressure 30 days
Gastric Problems 10 days
and Many more
Good thing is besides increased urination this has no side effects
Some cultures drink warm tea with their meals instead of water.. the cold solidifies the oily foods and slows down the digestive process .. that is not good.. so myself I drink room temp or slightly warm water .
#water #bed #drink #prevention #warm #holly #phytalive #immunipro #hollycapron
source world and

Both the Japanese and Chinese consume hot tea with their meals instead of cold water. Cold water solidifies the oily foods you have just eaten and slows down the digestive process. Once these solidified oils reach andthe reaction with the stomach acid begins, it is absorbed more quickly by the intestine and the intestinal wall. The long-term accumulation of these digested oils can lead to cancer. The Western cultures must adopt this practice as there is nothing to lose and everything to gain. - See more at:

This Is What Happens When You Drink Water Right After You Get Out Of Bed

The current health trend is drinking water as soon as you get out of bed. The medical value of this health trend has been scientifically confirmed to be completely beneficial to our health.This Is What Happens When You Drink Water Right After You Get Out Of Bed Drinking water when waking up has been connected to prevention and curing of certain ailments and disease such as body aches, heart problems, epilepsy, headaches, arthritis, diabetes, constipation,obesity, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney disease, vomiting, uterine disease, gastritis,ear and throat disease.
The Method:
  1. As soon as you wake up, before even doing anything else, consume four 6 ounce glasses of water. But remember if for any reason you cannot consume this amount of water at one time, you should start with as much as you can and slowly increase the amount.
  2. After brushing your teeth and performing your morning hygiene routine, wait for 45 minutes before drinking or eating anything.
After 45 minutes, eat breakfast as usual, and then do not drink or eat anything in the next 2 hours.
- See more at:

This Is What Happens When You Drink Water Right After You Get Out Of Bed

The current health trend is drinking water as soon as you get out of bed. The medical value of this health trend has been scientifically confirmed to be completely beneficial to our health.This Is What Happens When You Drink Water Right After You Get Out Of Bed Drinking water when waking up has been connected to prevention and curing of certain ailments and disease such as body aches, heart problems, epilepsy, headaches, arthritis, diabetes, constipation,obesity, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney disease, vomiting, uterine disease, gastritis,ear and throat disease.
The Method:
  1. As soon as you wake up, before even doing anything else, consume four 6 ounce glasses of water. But remember if for any reason you cannot consume this amount of water at one time, you should start with as much as you can and slowly increase the amount.
  2. After brushing your teeth and performing your morning hygiene routine, wait for 45 minutes before drinking or eating anything.
After 45 minutes, eat breakfast as usual, and then do not drink or eat anything in the next 2 hours.
- See more at:

This Is What Happens When You Drink Water Right After You Get Out Of Bed

The current health trend is drinking water as soon as you get out of bed. The medical value of this health trend has been scientifically confirmed to be completely beneficial to our health.This Is What Happens When You Drink Water Right After You Get Out Of Bed Drinking water when waking up has been connected to prevention and curing of certain ailments and disease such as body aches, heart problems, epilepsy, headaches, arthritis, diabetes, constipation,obesity, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney disease, vomiting, uterine disease, gastritis,ear and throat disease.
The Method:
  1. As soon as you wake up, before even doing anything else, consume four 6 ounce glasses of water. But remember if for any reason you cannot consume this amount of water at one time, you should start with as much as you can and slowly increase the amount.
  2. After brushing your teeth and performing your morning hygiene routine, wait for 45 minutes before drinking or eating anything.
After 45 minutes, eat breakfast as usual, and then do not drink or eat anything in the next 2 hours.
- See more at:
The current health trend is drinking water as soon as you get out of bed. The medical value of this health trend has been scientifically confirmed to be completely beneficial to our health. - See more at:
The current health trend is drinking water as soon as you get out of bed. The medical value of this health trend has been scientifically confirmed to be completely beneficial to our health. - See more at:
The current health trend is drinking water as soon as you get out of bed. The medical value of this health trend has been scientifically confirmed to be completely beneficial to our health. - See more at:
The current health trend is drinking water as soon as you get out of bed. The medical value of this health trend has been scientifically confirmed to be completely beneficial to our health. - See more at:
The current health trend is drinking water as soon as you get out of bed. The medical value of this health trend has been scientifically confirmed to be completely beneficial to our health. - See more at:
The current health trend is drinking water as soon as you get out of bed. The medical value of this health trend has been scientifically confirmed to be completely beneficial to our health. - See more at:
The current health trend is drinking water as soon as you get out of bed. The medical value of this health trend has been scientifically confirmed to be completely beneficial to our health. - See more at:
The current health trend is drinking water as soon as you get out of bed. The medical value of this health trend has been scientifically confirmed to be completely beneficial to our health. - See more at:

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Fibro Help Better Sleep and More Focused

WAY TO be Consistent and Amazing RESULTS.... I Sure LOVE getting updates like this makes My heart HAPPY for the Day I made the Choice to SHARE with ya'll what PhytAlive and ImmuniPro have done for me and hubby heart emoticon

"My name is Denise and I have been using PhytAlive and ImmuniPro for since the middle of October 2014.
Since I started taking it I have had no flares of my Fibromyalgia, my energy levels are higher than they have been in years. I have had the best sleep I have had in a long time, I sleep sound and I wake up ready to take on the day! I am focused and able to get things done in my house and business that I have.
I no longer have cravings for food, I am in control of what goes into my mouth for the first time in my adult life. I have never had the freedom to choose what I want to eat and to be able to make the good ones and I have LOST 17 POUNDS!!!!
If you have any health issues that you would like to see get better, send me a message and we can talk about whether PhytAlive and ImmuniPro are the answer. Good core nutrition and spore probiotics will help anyone. I would love to help you too!"

Message me or go here for a Ton of Info on our products and on our company opportunity....GO HERE
Or Go here to order 

#fibromyalgia #sleepbetter #focused #phytalive #immunipro #hollycapron #weightloss

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Great Info on B12

 Are you Bitamin B 12 deficient? Symptoms may include: Anemia, fatigue, weakness, loss of balance, weight loss, depression, confusion, poor memory, numbness or tingling in extremities. Remember my dementia information? Vitamin B 12 deficiency is an easy one to reverse the signs of dementia as previously mentioned. The purposes of Vitamin B 12 are to upkeep of the body's metabolism, creation of healthy red blood cells and for the function of the central nervous system. Vitamin B 12 is the ONLY B vitamin stored in the body (liver). For adequate absorption a HEALTHY GI tract is crucial. Vitamin B12 is found in meats, poultry, eggs, shellfish, milk and other dairy products, but are you sure you are getting the daily recommended amount through your diet? I have taken a monthly shot before and it became such a hassle. Then switched to the b12 tablets that melt under your tongue.. took mega doses of those.. nope neither of them EVER changed my blood work... came back each time deficient in b12.... I have been taking PhytAlive and Immunipro for 10 months and feel so much better than I did years ago... Only after 3 months on them... My Blood work already had improved... The FIRST time in YEARS my levels showed normal...With PhytAlive you will get 100% of your daily food nutrients allowance with the one ounce dose and with Immunipro you will get your GI tract healthy probiotics do so much to treat digestive tract bacteria and provide support to our immune system.. YES AutoImmune .. My like GONE.. No Fibro Fog .. No Muscle aches and pains... Fibro Points they don't hurt.. chronic fatigue syndrome GONE.... Check these awesome products out at
HERE If you want Tons of info .. including testimonies and ingredients and more go here HERE
This Side Of The Fence    Holly Capron

 #fibro #truebiotics #digestive #immunesystem #requirednutrients

Trust Your Gut... It Knows Best

"God says, “You’re well able, you have what it takes, you’re destined to do great things, you’re going to leave your mark on this generation.” He has already counted you; so don’t let other people discount you." Joel Osteen
We all have it one time or another... sometimes it's strong.. sometimes it just gently tugs at you... and how many times have you had that feeling and NOT listened... only to come back later and said I should have trusted my gut feeling on this...ARE OUR GUTS SMART??? Lol well everything is controlled from out Gut.. our moods our feelings our health..and yes our minds in a way... BUT... what that true GUT FEELING is...Thats God... Our Holy Spirit Guide trying to nudge us and say HEY YOU.. Listen up.. This Person.. Or That Thing is NOT a good deal... or HEY You.. Do it.. It's Gonna be GREAT.... Whatever that feeling... We Need to Learn TRUST... FAITH... and to Belief... cause our heads can get influenced sooooo easy by SMOOTH TALKERS..... Con artists... and People that try to make THEIR dream...a reality by controlling Your Life..How do you want to leave YOUR mark... How do YOU want to Live Your Life... and What STORY are You living to be told by future generations...Don't be controlled.... Be YOU... God Has Your Back..Holly Capron
This Side Of The Fence 
#gutinstinct #story #smoothtalker #conartist #feeling #yourlife #faith #believe #people

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Make The Rest Of Your Life The Best Of Your Life

"What might look like a disappointment can turn into a stepping stone toward the greatest days of your life." Joel Osteen
How many times have you been working on something or with someone.. a bump comes in the road.. you get disappointed and then you let that bump turn in to a hill.. and by midnight in your mind .. the darn thing is a mountain..
Remember this.. I'm Going on a bear hunt... "Can't Go Over It... Can't Go Under It... Might As Well Go ...... WHAT... Ya'LL tell Me?????
Exactly... you can't keep avoiding things in life because you hit a bump... if you are gonna be all the God want's you to be you are gonna have to stop putting of till tomorrow what you can do today.... What is it that you need to pull yourself up and climb over it... go around it... swim through it... You get the picture.. If it's gonna be it's up to WHO... Ya YOU... <3
Not really a big Miley Fan but this song of hers is So awesome.. Take the Time to listen..... The CLIMB <3
#climb #steppingstone #tomorrow #today  #phytalive #immunipro

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Are you an Excuse Maker

"Don’t count yourself out. When God created you, He put in you everything you need to fulfill your destiny." Joel Osteen
Are You an excuse maker.. ever notice how exhausting it is? For you and the person you are talking with... DO it or Don't... Yes or No.. Black or White.... there is no well maybe.. or kinda or if I get to it...
Let's take the "I am too busy statement"... Now Are you.. or have you already predetermined in your mind that you don't want to do it and you just say you are too busy... EXCUSE
Let's take the "I don't have the money or I think it's too expensive"... if you have budgeted and you don't that is one thing.. but if you are out blowing money on pop.. fast food... casinos... etc.. EXCUSE
Let's take the "I have tried it and it didn't work for me statement" ok.. how long... most people live in an instant gratification world... don't give anything patience and consistency... Oh this one really angers me the most... If you have given something a honest amount of time.. say 90 days.. cause that is a good amount.... and it didn't work then ok.. maybe it's not for you.. BUT if you have given it a few days.. or weeks.. or even a mere month... EXCUSE
It's kinda like the dog ate my homework.. REALLY.. Hmmm Did you even Read it.... honestly I know this is a harsh post.. I don't usually be so blunt.. But Stop being Lazy...stop expecting things to happen overnight and good gracious have some self worth and dedication to yourself... stop the pity parties and Realize You are capable of SO much More than you THINK God has equipped you with everything YOU NEED ... to be ALL He has for you in life... It is Up to YOU to Get Out of YOUR own way and Do it!!!!
Holly Capron
#excuses #capable #patience #consistency

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

"Nothing happens until you speak. When you get up in the morning, you need to make declarations of faith." Joel Osteen
Start each day with Gratefulness.. first you did wake up didn't ya... Be THANKFUL... means God isn't finished with us yet... I know many lives may not be Happy or have going on what you think should be going on... but did you ever stop and think... EVERY situation.. every storm.. every person.. God has placed strategically for us to either Learn from or Lift Up.. Have Faith... HE knows what is best for us... makes me think of that old Garth Brooks song.. Unanswered Prayers... How many times have you Prayed for something and it didn't happen... Ya Me too.. and then later down the road you see why... Trust HIM.. Have Faith and Speak in Faithfulness... Cause GREAT is THY FaithFulNess
#faith #hope #love #trust #phytalive #immunipro #hollycapron

Monday, January 12, 2015

Take That Leap Of Faith

 I am So Thankful for the day I took That Leap of Faith...I have My life back...No More Depression.. No More Fibromyalgia... I could Go ON and ON....
Hey if you are looking to change YOUR life this year..
Take That Leap of Faith
It's Hard to Find a GREAT Company... It's Hard to Find GREAT Products .. and it is RARE to find them all in one AWESOME Place... I am looking for individuals that are wanting to GET their Life Back AND help Share the word about our Products... in turn you can earn discounts and commissions that pay for your products.. I will train YOU...
Go Here:
‪#‎phytalive‬ ‪#‎immunipro‬ ‪#‎hollycapron‬ ‪#‎workfromhome‬

Sunday, January 11, 2015

If You Don't Have Your Health
You know you have heard it said many ways.. I remember my Grandpa used to say ..." one of the worst things to go out is your back".. Grandma used to say ... "Teeth health is so important.. if you don't have good teeth .. your days are painful".. and What about this one.. it Really sticks in my mind... "You can Have All The Money In The World, But If You Don't Have Your Health You don't Have Anything."  So see no matter how you say it.. our health of ourselves and are loved ones really determine much of our happiness... Oh I know you choose to be happy.. its a choice...but sometimes the pain over rules that choice.. when I was down and out suffering from so much fibromyalgia pain.. was I Happy.. heck NO.. I was depressed... grouchy and even had given up and had some well suicidal thoughts... So can a person take charge of their life and make good choices to lay the ground work.. Oh you betcha you can I SURE DID... and doing it NOW when you think you don't need to change anything is the BEST time...So what can a person do...
#1 You can STOP eating processed foods.. you know the ones packed with tons of chemicals
#2 STOP any food or drink that says diet.. they are packed with aspartame and it causes a world of problems
#3 Drink MORE pure water
#4 Exercise .. even if it is just a 5 or 10 min walk each day .. get started.. it will build
#5 Proper Rest
#6 and This is the Most Important PROPER NUTRITION... Well How do we get good nutrition when our lives are so hectic and we honestly don't have the nutrition in the soil like we used to.. I will share with you the Groundwork Hubby and I Choose... Totally Has Given us Our Lives Back.. Now it's up to you whether you choose to listen or not.. I am just sharing from my heart what has helped us.... Plain and simple.. We Choose To Take Phytalive ( 1 to 4 ounces of NONGMO liquid core nutrients) and 2 ImmuniPro each day (patented probiotic).. these are not just some fad nutrients and probiotic.. these have over 1/2 billion dollars in clinical research and Proven Clinical studies... We have been using them for 11 months and our blood work has improved greatly... no more allergy problems.. No More depression.. or mood roller coasters.. and for me the most huge NO MORE FIBROMYALGIA....

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Red Beans and Rice

Easy Red Beans and Rice (3 Servings)
1 1/2 lbs. kielbasa (save the rest for breakfast), sliced
1 tsp. veg. oil
1/2 C. chopped green bell pepper
1/4 C. chopped onion
15.5 oz. can dark red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
1 tsp. creole seasoning
1/2 tsp. chili powder
1/4 tsp. smoked paprika
1/4 tsp. black pepper
1 pkg. boil and bag rice, for serving (you can make your own rice, but just as elastic is my friend, so is boil in the bag)
Heat the oil in a medium size skillet over med. high heat. Add the kielbasa and cook for 2-3 minutes until the edges start to brown. Reduce the heat to med, and add the drained beans, pepper and onion. Cook for 2-3 minutes add all the spices, toss and cook for 1 minute. Serve over the rice.
Courtesy Janet's Appalachian Kitchen
#redbeans #rice #kielbasa #hollycapron #phytalive #immunipro 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Coffee Sugar Scrub

 Oh are you getting that mid winter DRY Skin... sometimes my feet and elbows get to feeling like sandpaper... This little make at home works perfect .. and hey put coffee grounds to good use... I have heard it said that they can be a cellulite buster too .. hmmmmmm DRINK MORE COFFEE QUICK :)

Coffee Sugar Scrub

2 Tbsp. ground coffee
1 Tbsp. used coffee grounds
1/4 c. granulated sugar
2 Tbsp. coconut oil
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon

Mix all together well to form a thick paste. Put into air tight container. Use on body where you need to get rid of dry skin. Feels great on hands, feet, elbows and knees. You can even use this on your face. I'd caution users with oily skin from using on face, though.
To Use:
Simply take small amount and rub in circular motion for 30 seconds to a minute, depending on how dry skin is. Rinse with warm water. Follow with lotion if desired
#coffee #sugar #hollycapron #scrub #phytalive #immunipro #lifespan#dryskin

Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Hair Growth and Color Coming Back

Pretty excited when Tessa sent me this message this morning... I was her hair stylist when my shop was open and this is very impressive...See when you have a vitamin and mineral deficiency you will have hair loss.. loss the color in your hair.. your skin gets dry.. nails are brittle and tear.. Myself My hair is growing SUPER fast,, I am also getting lots of new growth its getting thick and the new growth coming in is not grey its black.. so excited for PhytAlive and ImmuniPro

"Checkout my new growth in my hair. My natural color is coming back & all because of using lifespan products. Very excited to see my natural color again."

#hollycapron #phytalive #immunipro #hair #color #growth

Lean Not On Your Own Understanding Proverbs 3 5

"Proverbs 3:5 says, “Lean not on your own understanding.” There are times when your mind will tell you all the reasons why it’s not going to happen. But this is where faith comes in. You have to say, “God, I believe You’re bigger than what the facts say. I don’t see a way, but I know You have a way.” Joel Osteen
MANY times I have tried to play things over in my head.. and look at it from so many angles.. made myself sick inside... what if that.. or maybe this.. well you know what.. the REASON I wasn't at peace is because I wasn't not having FAITH in the situation... You know the times I get that what some call gut feeling.. I call it my Holy Spirit Guide...but the times I have not fought it and just Stepped out in FAITH.. OMGOSH the Blessings just flow... So if you don't see a way and you are struggling.. Have FAITH... Go with your Gut.. Your Guide.. cause that is GOD SPEAKING ... Love ya's Have a GREAT day Holly Capron
#faith #understanding #holyspirit #gutfeeling 

Join Me here each day

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Great Idea.. Using Parchment Paper on a Non Stick Pan

Well You Can Bet I will be Trying this Little Trick... Cause My Non Stick Pans well THEY STICK and I might as well cook on an old boot!!!!!

You know crazy as it sounds... when I bake cookies I place parchment paper  that is 12 x 16 sheets on the cookie sheet  So why not get smaller pieces and put them in a skillet...It's Pretty Simple... Take a piece of parchment paper. I like the 9" round ones that are meant for round cake they are already to go.. just place one in your skillet and crack your egg on it and fry... they come out GREAT... Ya like in ONE piece... lol Look out World I am gonna be a FRY cook from way back... Hope this helps!

#hollycapron #nonstick #greatidea #egg #parchmentpaper